Voice for Change Partnership: evidence for advocacy

Through the Voice for Change Partnership, SNV strengthened CSOs to effectively voice their views in a dynamic and increasingly global context. CSOs were, among others, empowered to use evidence and data for advocacy. We’re sharing a selection of key evidence products generated through the programme, per theme and country
Together, the V4CP programme contributed to structural change and effective solutions to ensure that the interests of low-income and marginalised communities are included in government and business policies and practices.
Evidence creation and dissemination played an important role in the programme. Through its partnership with IFPRI and in collaboration with other research institutes, the programme developed high quality evidence to be used by CSOs for advocacy and influencing efforts. CSOs were capacitated to use the evidence for advocacy by contextualising the results of the research and by translating them into targeted messages.
Below is a selection of key evidence products generated through the programme, per theme and country.
Food and nutrition security
Burkina Faso
Brief on public support farms review, ReSAKSS (2017, 2018 and 2019)
Potentiel des exploitations familiales à assurer la sécurité alimentaire au Burkina Faso, ReSAKSS (2018)
Policy Atlas on food and nutrition security and resilience in Burkina Faso, IFPRI 2020
Faim cachée et politiques de soutien aux EAF, IFPRI 2020
Brief on Évolution de la modernisation des exploitations agricoles familiales, une analyse à partir des enquêtes permanentes agricoles, IFPRI 2020.
Improving Food and Nutrition Security in Northern Ghana Through Production Diversification
Ghana Nutrition adequacy maps for targeted policy intervention.
Seguridad Alimentaria, Nutrición, Agua, y Género (IFPRI, 2019)
El Presupuesto para la Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición (IFPRI, 2019)
Anàlisis de presupueso e inversiones SAN en 2 municipalidades (IFPRI, 2019)
Tracking Government Food Safety budgets in Dairy and Horticulture Sectors in Kenya
For more resources, see Evidence for policy, advocacy and partnerships: Empowering civil society in Kenya's agriculture sector
Burkina Faso
Role of pastoralism in Burkina Faso: Contribution to revenue, food security, and resilience (2020)
Livestock markets in Burkina Faso: Characteristics and impact on the local economy (2020)
Policy Atlas on food and nutrition security and resilience in Burkina Faso, IFPRI 2020
Overview of public and private livestock insurance markets in Kenya: Challenges and Opportunities (2018)
Burkina Faso
Costs and benefits analysis of clean and improved cooking solutions in Ghana, March 2020
Viability analysis of minigrid based electrification in Ghana, April 2019
Advocacy for increased investment in renewable energybased mini-grids in island areas in Ghana
Diagnóstico Socioeconómico y Ambiental para una Estrategia Nacional para la Adopción de Estufas Mejoradas en Honduras, November 2018
Estrategia Nacional Inclusiva para la Adopción de Estufas Mejoradas en Honduras, 2020
Linking Energy, Health and Sustainable Livelihoods: Policy options for scaling up improved cooking solutions in Kitui County of Kenya, Policy Brief, September 2019
Study on use of biomass cookstoves and fuels in institutions in Kenya, September 2018
Context analysis on the progress toward improved clean cooking energy at household level in Kilifi County, Final report, December 2019
Position paper on the role of the private sector in WASH delivery in Ghana, May 2019
Position paper on review of key national WASH policies in Ghana, May 2019
WASH Report Studi Formatif untuk Perilaku Buang Air Besar Sembarangan (BABS) Kabupaten Pringsewu dan Lampung Selatan Provinsi Lampung, October 2017
WASH Report Studi Formatif untuk Perilaku Buang Air Besar Sembarangan (BABS) Kabupaten Padang Pariaman dan Sijunjung Provinsi Sumatera Barat, October 2017
WASH Report Rantai pasok sanitasi di Sijunjung dan Padang Pariaman, October 2017
WASH Report Tata kelola sanitasi
WASH Brief Business Sector Perspective on WASH
06 WASH Brief Sustaining ODF and moving towards safely managed sanitation