Strong institutions and effective governance

We believe building strong institutions and ensuring effective governance are essential for transforming systems.

Institutions that operate with integrity, efficiency, and efficacy play a fundamental role in promoting peace, ensuring the welfare of citizens, and advancing equitable and sustainable access to essential goods and services within the agri-food, energy, and water sectors.  

Promoting effectiveness, accountability, inclusivity, and transparency within institutions – as well as fostering inclusive, responsive, and representative governance systems – are therefore fundamental principles for the achievement of SNV's objectives across all our programmes.

At SNV we have a longstanding commitment to collaborating with civil society organisations, public entities, and private sector organisations. Strengthening institutions and making governance more effective has always been at the heart of what we do. 

Placing governance at the heart

One example of our work in this area is the Accountable Local Governance Programme (PGLR+), now in phase two running in 240 municipalities across four regions in Mali. The programme seeks to strengthen democratic institutions and the social contract between local public authorities and young people and the general population.

On the one hand, we focus on young people's inclusive and effective participation in local governance decision-making mechanisms. On the other, local public authorities strengthen regional governance mechanisms to make them more inclusive, efficient, gender-sensitive, and conflict-sensitive.

Delivering impact that matters

Our ultimate aim lies in fostering sustainability within institutions in order to facilitate lasting transformation.  

Access to food, water, and energy, are all human rights – and it is our mission to strengthen capacities and catalyse partnerships to transform systems and ultimately enable sustainable and more equitable lives for all.

Strong institutions news and stories

Press release

The Swedish government and SNV launch mini-grid facility to expand rural off-grid electricity access in Mozambique

Brilho mozamique - Solar

SNV at the Global SEforALL Forum

SEforALL forum intro card

SNV speaks on sanitation futures

Toilet management committee member maintains public toilet in slum area in Bangladesh
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