
SNV participates in GOGSFE and HEC

Join us at the 8th Global Off-Grid Solar Forum and Expo 2024 and Humanitarian Energy Conference, which will be held from 7 to 10 October in Nairobi, Kenya.

Our focus

Central to our mission is the development of inclusive markets for sustainable energy, which empowers communities and fosters equitable livelihoods for all. By applying a market-based approach, we work to increase access to clean cooking, lighting, and heating solutions, while also promoting energy for productive uses. During the event, we will concentrate on the following key topics:

  • Enhancing renewable energy and energy efficiency in agriculture to improve resilience and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

  • Building resilient livelihoods and improving incomes for all, including young people, women, and disadvantaged groups.

  • Identifying opportunities to invest and blend traditional funding to catalyse market development and leverage private-sector finance.

SNV's participation at the Global Off-Grid Solar Forum and Expo presents a valuable opportunity to share our experience in the Productive Use of Renewable Energy (PURE) space, particularly within the Agri-food/PURE nexus. Additionally, during the event, we will present our work in the investment continuum, technical assistance for the private sector, and our initiatives in energy for displacement settings.


This event is co-hosted by GOGLA, the association for the off-grid solar industry, alongside the Government of Kenya and the World Bank’s Lighting Global Programme.

Under the theme "Powering Lives and Energising Potential," the Forum will feature impactful discussions, showcase disruptive technologies, and create opportunities to forge new and innovative partnerships. These efforts aim to drive universal electricity access, build climate resilience, and power agriculture, enterprise, health, and more.

About HEC

In addition, SNV will attend the Humanitarian Energy Conference (HEC) on 7 October, which precedes the GOGLA event. This conference aims to advance the humanitarian energy agenda by bringing together stakeholders to foster collective action, catalyse political commitments, forge partnerships, and mobilise resources.

Where you'll find us

Visit us at exhibition booth A37 at the GOGSFE event. In addition, we will be leading or participating in the following side events at both GOGSFE and HEC:

Energy Enablers: Powering Healthcare Facilities and Productive Uses of Energy

This session will look at Powering Healthcare Facilities and Productive Uses of Energy by providing reliable, sustainable power solutions that enhance healthcare service delivery and community development ensuring energy access leads to healthier lives and stronger, more resilient economies.

Monday, October 7
11:15 AM- 12:30 PM GMT +3 
Room C, Kenyatta International Conference Centre

Learn more here.


Transformative Clean Cooking: Sustainable Delivery Models

This session will look focus on sustainable delivery models for clean cooking that ensure long-term access, affordability, and adoption of clean cooking solutions by leveraging innovative partnerships, scalable financing mechanisms, and community-driven approaches to create lasting impacts on health, livelihoods, and the environment.

Monday, October 7
1:45 - 3:00 PM GMT +3 
Room A, Kenyatta International Conference Centre

Learn more here.


Outside the Box: multi-sectoral cooperation for sustainable scaling of solar irrigation

Adoption of solar irrigation in agriculture is growing due to lower pump costs, economic incentives, and government initiatives, but uptake remains low.

This session will address barriers such as access to information, equipment, finance, and policies while highlighting the interdependencies among the water, agriculture, and energy sectors. It will feature perspectives from various actors on overcoming these challenges to scale solar irrigation sustainably.

Tuesday, October 8
3:45 PM - 5:00 PM GMT +3 
Lenana, Kenyatta International Conference Centre

Learn more here.

A4: Leaving no one behind: Sustainable energy access in humanitarian contexts

This session will focus on the state of energy access in displacement settings, showcase successful market-based approaches and highlight the work of refugee-led businesses and locally-led entrepreneurs. The session aims to raise awareness on energy in displacement settings through case studies and inspire partnerships across public and private sector actors.

Wednesday October 9
10:45 AM - 12:00 PM GMT +3
Tsavo B, Kenyatta International Conference Centre

Learn more here.

GOGLA Session cards on humanitarian energy

Hard Talk: What more is needed to close the financing gaps for locally-led companies?

The session is intended to candidly reflect on the need for differentiated investment approaches from early-stage grants to commercial investments targeted at locally-led companies across various markets.

The off-grid solar sector has made significant progress; however, navigating the capital spectrum continues to be particularly challenging for locally-led companies. The conversation will explore how actors on the investment continuum, like early-stage grant funders, can take investors along in the company’s journey and vice versa.

Thursday, October 10
8:30 AM - 9:45 AM GMT +3 
Tsavo C, Kenyatta International Conference Centre.

Learn more here.


C10: Beyond PayGo: Business model adaptations for the hardest to reach

For the first time in over a decade the number of people with no access to electricity has increased and the vast majority of people left behind by the energy transition live in remote areas, on the lowest, most unstable incomes. A number of organisations have been experimenting with Energy As A Service as an affordable alternative. This session will shine a spotlight on distributor experiences, feedback from their customers, their successes and highlight the support they need.

Thursday, October 10
3:45 PM - 5:00 PM GMT +3
Aberdares, Kenyatta International Conference Centre

Learn more here.


Featured projects

BRILHO – Energy Africa Mozambique programme

BRILHO aims to enhance energy access for people and businesses by leveraging private sector innovation and investment, driving growth in clean cooking solutions, solar home systems, and mini-grids.

Inclusive Markets for Energy Efficiency in Uganda (IMEU)

IMEU is a four-year project to develop sustainable, inclusive markets for appropriate energy-efficient (EE) products.

Three individuals working in a field with crops. One person is walking between rows of planted crops, another is bent over, possibly weeding or planting, and a third person is seated beside a solar panel setup. The scene includes elements of manual agricultural work and renewable energy technology.

Sustainable Energy for Smallholder Farmers

The project promotes renewable energy for irrigation, cooling, and drying in dairy and horticulture, boosting smallholder productivity, nutrition, incomes, and climate resilience.

Market-Based Energy Access (MBEA)

The project aims to enhance access to clean cooking and solar-powered solutions in the Kakuma refugee camp, Kalobeyei integrated settlement, and the surrounding communities.

Solar water pumps

Read more about our work


Enhancing affordability for productive uses of renewable energy


Harvesting the sun: Challenges and opportunities in solar-powered agriculture


Promoting integration of renewable energy and energy efficient technologies in agricultural value chains

Promoting integration of renewable energy and energy efficiency in agricultural value chains

Changing lives and alleviating poverty: The impact of renewable energy in off-grid areas

See all our updates

Solar irrigation in action

Learn more about using solar-powered energy in the agriculture value chain implemented in the Sustainable Energy for Smallholder farmers project in the following video.

Our approaches

Sustainable Energy Markets

SNV supports the energy transition and SDG7 through its core framework approach, Sustainable Energy Markets. The framework applies a market-based approach to increase access to off-grid electricity, clean cooking and heating, and biodigesters.

Learn more

Youth employment and entrepreneurship

We collaborate to promote youth engagement as workers and entrepreneurs, with a particular focus on climate adaptation technologies, nature-based solutions, and nutritious food development.

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