Market Based Energy Access (MBEA) project - Kakuma Turkana County



Through funding from Energising Development (ENDEV), SNV will implement a market based energy access intervention for refugees and host communities in Kakuma, Turkana county, Kenya.

Through funding from Energising Development (ENDEV), SNV will implement a market based energy access intervention for refugees and host communities in Kakuma, Turkana county, Kenya.

Our Objective

The main objective of this new initiative is to promote sustainable market based energy access for cooking and lighting by supporting clean energy entrepreneurs.

Also, this project aims to facilitate market based access to cookstoves, solar energy and small electricity services for households and businesses in Kakuma Refugee camp and host community. This will be achieved by establishing and strengthening sustainable and commercially viable supply and distribution models for quality cookstoves and PicoPV (1 - 100 watt) products by triggering demand from households. The consequent benefits of this approach will be a reduction in indoor pollution and an improvements in health outcomes.

Clean Cooking

The project will support the fuels and stoves supply chains. New technologies will be explored in the camp and at host communities. Advanced and low cost improved stoves will be introduced to both markets, targeting the population who have stable and/or recurring income generation, low mobility rates, high cell phone and mobile money use.

To address the low income refugees and host community's energy needs, we will collaborate with LOKADO to develop other models of efficient and clean locally made stoves. Initially, the project will support the production of Matawi, Jiko kisasa and rocket stove inserts to be distributed in Kakuma.

Clean Lighting

Similar to the cookstoves, the solar market will be segmented to effectively target the customers. The target customer base will mainly be the refugees and the host community. The most of the low­ income refugees are connected to generators costing €11 per month for just a few hours of power a day. The main interventions will include consumer awareness creation with regards to quality products, capacity development for identified entrepreneurs, creating business linkages between value chain actors at different levels. We will facilitate affordability and access through innovative financing models including PAYG.

Key Outcomes

  • 16,500 people will gain access to clean cooking.

  • 21,200 people will gain access to solar for lighting and phone charging.

  • 90 jobs created along the value chain.

  • Ksh. 80,000,000 Investments by households, private and public sector (in EUR)

  • Equivalents of 2,241 CO2e annual reduction in CO2 emission (in t CO2e) from project intervention.

  • Equivalents of 682.8 CO2e annual reduction in CO2 emission (in t CO2e) from project intervention.

  • 100 Energy Entrepreneurs created by project

For more information and to learn more about our work in Kenya, visit our country webpage.


energy access people

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