Sustainable Sanitation & Hygiene for All Results Programme (SSH4A-RP)
A pioneering and ambitious WASH programme that seeks to increase access to improved sanitation for at least 4.2 million people in Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Nepal, Tanzania, Uganda, Mozambique and Zambia, while applying a results-based financing modality.
SNV's comprehensive and area-wide Sustainable Sanitation & Hygiene for All (SSH4A) approach, first developed in 2008 in Asia, is now working towards sustainable sanitation services across 18 countries in Asia and Africa. For SSH4A RP Programme countries, lasting change is visible, with more than 3.9 million people having gained access to improved sanitation, and an additional 1.2 million people now practising handwashing with soap.
Our SSH4A Results Programme is an innovative partnership with the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO; formerly DFID) of the Government of the United Kingdom, and has been extended until 2020. As part of the extension period, our focus is to enable access to new and improved sanitation and hygiene facilities. The SSH4A Results Programme has been designed to ensure that tangible impacts in community health and quality of life are realised and measured systematically. As a results-based finance programme, it links programme financing directly to outputs and outcomes – with verifiable indicators and an external evaluation process that validate and ensure programme impact.
We are working towards the following objectives and outcomes:
Access to and sustained use of sanitation facilities
Hygienic use and maintenance of sanitation facilities
Access to handwashing with soap
Progress on faecal sludge emptying and collection