Peaceful pastoral cross-border mobility and social stability in the Sahel (MOPSS)
Benin,Burkina Faso,Mali,Niger,

MOPSS: Actors committed to peaceful pastoralism
During its first phase (2019-2023), the ‘Peaceful pastoral cross-border mobility and social stability in the Sahel’ (MOPSS) project was funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and implemented by SNV, RBM, APESS, ROPPA, Hub Rural and CARE. The strong collaboration and interrelationship between these actors created a favourable context for the implementation of an innovative approach. MOPSS-1 intervened in three cross-border areas (Liptako Gourma, WAPO and Kénédougou) between five countries (Mali, Niger, Burkina Faso, Benin and Togo). It supported the vision of an integrated regional approach for the development of the pastoral livestock sub-sector, peaceful transhumance and better-structured transnational production chains that generate shared benefits for male and female rural actors.
In arid and semi-arid areas, pastoral farming is the most important productive activity supporting the livelihoods of tens of millions of people. Under the effects of population growth and weak improvements in agricultural productivity, the expansion of agricultural land is carried out to the detriment of pastoral areas and mobility corridors. This is encouraged by the non-application of regional and national policies and regulations. These areas are also particularly affected by a high level of insecurity and violence, the existence of armed gangs, and the presence of terrorist groups. Women and young people are particularly vulnerable to these risks of insecurity and violent extremism.
It is in this context that MOPSS intervened, with the objective of contributing to strengthening the resilience of agro-pastoral populations and social stability in the Sahel, through the prevention, mitigation, and management of conflicts.
Project results:
Fostering social cohesion in the agrosilvopastoral sector:
Established around ten leadership trainers and nurtured the emergence of around twenty young leaders within the 3 Regional Producer Organisations (RPOs) - APESS, RBM and ROPPA;
Expanded RBM's and APESS community monitoring systems to approximately thirty new municipalities;
Implemented over 60 Local Citizen Actions by around a hundred Young Ambassadors of Pastoralism "JAP ", focusing on the environment and education;
Established 40 Young Ambassadors for Peace (JAPax) who successfully raised awareness among over 1500 individuals on the importance of peaceful coexistence;
Amplified the impact of peace initiatives led by women and youth, fostering inter-community dialogue.
Promoting peaceful pastoral mobility:
Completed the construction of 8 pastoral boreholes and secured over 50 km of vital cattle tracks;
Advocated effectively to ensure the incorporation of farmers’ organisations’ perspectives and promoted locally produced milk;
Trained more than 600 judicial and community actors, including magistrates, lawyers, bailiffs, clerks, notaries, and traditional authorities, on pastoral land rights across Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger;
Implemented effective communication campaigns resulting in a positive shift in perception towards pastoral mobility.
Enhancing economic and social viability of pastoralism:
Co-financed and supported over 200 youth entrepreneurship ventures, 38% of which are run by women;
Provided assistance to approximately 2500 vulnerable family farms, over 500 of which run by women, to revitalise livestock production;
Installed around 80 domestic biodigesters, 200 solar kits and more than 160 solar lamps, benefitting households and young entrepreneurs alike.