Benin,Burkina Faso,Ghana,Mali,Niger


Peaceful Pastoral Cross-border Mobility and Social Stability in the Sahel (MOPSS-2): Stakeholders committed to peaceful pastoralism.

MOPSS-2 is the second phase of the "Peaceful Cross-Border Pastoral Mobility and Social Stability in the Sahel" programme, building upon the success of its initial phase from 2019 to 2023. Co-created and implemented by SNV, RBM, APESS, ROPPA, Rural Hub, and CARE, the project is funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), and the Danish International Development Agency (Danida), and will run from 2023 to 2026.

The challenge:

In arid and semi-arid areas, pastoral livestock farming is the most important productive activity supporting the livelihoods of tens of millions of people. However, the Sahel region faces increasing pressures due to demographic growth, climate change, and limited agricultural productivity. Pastoral areas and mobility corridors are shrinking, exacerbated by ineffective regional and national policies. Moreover, insecurity, violence, and the presence of armed groups pose significant challenges, particularly affecting women and youth.


The primary objective of MOPSS-2 is to address the challenges posed by multidimensional crises—political, security, and humanitarian—in targeted cross-border areas across the Sahel region, including Liptako-Gourma (tri-border between Mali, Niger and Burkina Faso), Kénédougou/SKBo (between Mali, Burkina Faso and Ivory Coast), and Burkina Faso-Benin-Togo-Ghana (BBTG). The project aims to enhance peaceful cross-border transhumance, foster integrated regional development of the pastoral livestock sub-sector, and promote structured transnational value chains to benefit rural stakeholders.


MOPSS-2 focuses on promoting peaceful cross-border transhumance by:

• Improving host communities' perceptions of pastoral mobility

• Supporting new regulation and security mechanisms by states

• Integrating pastoral and agropastoral households into sustainable value chains

• Strengthening the influence of Regional Producer Organizations (RPOs) in political dialogues

The project employs cross-cutting approaches, including conflict-sensitive project management, gender equality and social inclusion, human rights-based approach, youth employment opportunities, and climate change adaptation. Additionally, the Humanitarian-Development-Peace (HDP) Nexus approach and regional advocacy are integral to the project's implementation.

Conflict sensitivity:

MOPSS-2 emphasizes conflict sensitivity, aiming to engage diverse stakeholders (herders/farmers, men/women/youth, IDPs/hosts, Sahelian/coastal countries) through inclusive dialogue. The consortium leverages its collective expertise to influence policy frameworks and enhance the economic and social viability of pastoralism for greater social stability.

Focus on women and youth:

Acknowledging the vital role of women and youth in pastoralism, MOPSS-2 prioritizes their inclusion, leadership, and economic empowerment. The project targets reaching at least 30% of young people and 40% of women to ensure their active participation and benefit from program outcomes.

The MOPSS-2 project is committed to promoting peaceful pastoral mobility and social stability in the Sahel, building on achievements from the first phase and collaborating with key stakeholders to address pressing challenges in the region.

Our MOPSS-1 results

Over 22,000 households

use 8 pastoral boreholes and >50 km of marked cattle tracks

600 legal actors

trained on pastoral land rights

Over 200 women & youth

employed by agropastoral enterprises

79 biodigesters & 200 solar kits

installed for clean cooking and lighting

News and stories


Safeguarding pastoralists and their food systems


Meet our team

Amadi Coulibaly

Amadi Coulibaly

Project Manager - MOPSS
Victoria Grime

Victoria Grime

Conflict Sensitivity Advisor
No picture available

Wendpanga Serge Tapsoba

Conseiller Regional en Suivi Evaluation
Wayirmin Alassane Aaron Sanogo

Wayirmin Alassane Aaron Sanogo

Conseiller en agriculture
Ardjouma Honoré Tankoano

Ardjouma Honoré Tankoano

Conseiller en Sensibilité aux Conflix

Our donors and partners

Sweden Sverige logo
Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)
DANIDA logo English
Maroobe logo
APESS logo
ROPPA logo
Hub Rural logo