Kenya Off-Grid Solar Access Project (KOSAP)

The Kenya Off-Grid Solar Access Project (KOSAP) is a flagship project of the Ministry of Energy, financed by the World Bank, aimed at providing electricity and clean cooking solutions in the remote, low density, and traditionally underserved areas of the
The Kenya Off-Grid Solar Access Project (KOSAP) is a flagship project of the Ministry of Energy, financed by the World Bank, aimed at providing electricity and clean cooking solutions in the remote, low density, and traditionally underserved areas of the country.
The project is part of the government’s commitment to provide universal access to electricity in Kenya by 2022 and create the impetus for growth in achieving Vision 2030.
The Results-based Financing (RBF) and Debt Facilities have been established under Component 2 of the Project to provide incentives to private sector companies to establish operations and sell solar and clean cooking solutions in the project areas. Under this component, the project aims to deliver 250,000 stand-alone solar home systems and higher-tier clean cooking solutions to 150,000 households. SNV Netherlands Development Organisation, in partnership with SunFunder Inc., are the Facilities Managers.
Types of Support under the RBF and Debt Facilities
There are three facilities available for access by private companies they are as follows:
Results-based Financing Facility for Solar Service Providers – USD 12M
Debt Facility for Solar Service Providers – USD 30M
Clean Cooking Solutions Challenge RBF Facility – USD 6M
Other KOSAP components
The RBF and Debt Facilities (Component 2 of KOSAP) complement three other KOSAP components.
Mini-grids for Community Facilities, Enterprises and Households (Component 1)
Stand-alone Solar Systems and Solar Water Pumps for Community Facilities (Component 3)
Implementation Support and Capacity Building (Component 4)
Kenya Power and Lighting Co. (KPLC) and the Rural Electrification and Renewable Energy Corporation (REREC) are the implementing agencies, respectively, for Components 1 and 3. In addition to being the implementing agency for the RBF and Debt Facilities (Component 2), the Ministry of Energy has overall responsibility for the implementation of KOSAP and the implementation of Component 4.
To learn more
Please see the KOSAP website or read our press release on the launch of the project.