Ethiopia's National Farmer Field Schools Guideline
The Ministry of Agriculture in Ethiopia, with SNV, JICA and FAO, developed the National Farmer Field School Standard and Guideline recognising that Farmer Field Schools as a best practice.
Towards effective scale up of Farmers Field School in Ethiopia
Farmer Field Schools (FFS) have a potential to significantly improve the agricultural practices, productivity, and livelihoods of farmers in Ethiopia. Recognising this potential, the Ministry of Agriculture of Ethiopia declared Farmer Field Schools as a best practice for a group agricultural extension approach that complements existing extension approaches.
To guide and support the scale up, the ministry in collaboration with SNV, JICA and FAO, developed this National Farmer Field School Standard and Guideline. The guideline provides a strategic direction in aligning with existing agricultural extension approaches and creating synergy among stakeholders.
The guideline incorporates the following:
Necessary conditions for successful FFS.
Key principles of FFS.
Standards to implement FFS.
Roles and responsibilities of different stakeholders.
Facilitator's guide.
Strategy for sustaining of FFS.
Monitoring, evaluation, and learning.