SNV speaks on sanitation futures
SNV will join representatives from the World Toilet Organization, Stamford University Bangladesh, and the Gates Foundation in opening the upcoming Toilet Conference 2025: Future of Sanitation.

Antoinette Kome, SNV’s Global Sector Head for Water will open the conference with Jack Sim (Founder of World Toilet Organization), M Feroze Ahmed (Emeritus Professor, Stamford University Bangladesh), and Roshan Raj Shrestha (Deputy Director, Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene, Gates Foundation). Kome and her fellow keynote speakers will weigh in on the latest “advancements, sustainable solutions, and impactful strategies to address global challenges in sanitation and public health.”
Set to take place on 25 and 26 February, WaterAid, SNV, ITN BUET, and UNICEF Bangladesh have collaborated to convene this conference. Toilet Conference 2025 seeks to make a contribution towards strengthening partnerships, accelerating SDG 6.2 progress, and raising sanitation challenges and opportunities for the future, building on earlier work and lessons learnt.

Photo: Ismène Stalpers, Country Director of SNV in Bangladesh and Ms Hasin Jahan, Country Director of WaterAid Bangladesh (both holding a blue WaterAid folder) cement SNV's convenorship of the upcoming conference in the presence of SNV and WaterAid staff. Photo credit: WaterAid.
Since 2014, SNV has supported the Government of Bangladesh's efforts to transform its urban sanitation and solid waste management systems.
As one of several Government of Bangladesh partners in realising citywide sanitation, SNV has progressively contributed to (i) introducing pro-poor market-based solutions for faecal sludge management, (ii) increased the valuation of the work of sanitation workers—also making occupational health and safety a prerequisite for their safe service delivery, (iii) constructed toilets and treatment plants, (iv) upgraded onsite sanitation facilities and increased access to desludging services, and (v) co-developed integrated and digital management systems for municipalities, to name a few.
This FSTP in Khulna, Bangladesh, is where professionally collected sludge from on-site facilities is treated.
Mark your calendars
Attending the conference? Catch SNV and partners in the following technical sessions.
Tuesday 25 February (11:30-13:00 GMT+6 | Pearl) | Climate resilient sanitation: applying the green climate fund's CRS annex to Bangladesh: Practical Action will co-facilitate the session on green financing for climate-resilient sanitation alongside SNV and the Institute for Sustainable Future of the University of Technology Sydney.
Tuesday 25 February (14:00-15:30 GMT+6 | Crystal Ballroom) | Sanitation data governance: unlocking insights for smarter WASH: SNV will facilitate the session on sanitation data governance for the digital transformation of the sanitation value chain. This session will be hosted by SNV and the Global Water and Sanitation Center.
The conference is expected to foster a vibrant exchange of ideas and a collaborative approach, helping to drive meaningful impact in the sanitation sector.
Around the world...
Explore SNV's urban sanitation collaborations in the last ten years, which have reached more than 20 countries in Asia and Africa.