SNV recognised for supporting biodigester sector in Nepal
At a workshop on biodigester development in Nepal organised by the Alternative Energy Promotion Centre (AEPC), SNV Netherlands Development Organisation was provided with a token of appreciation for their contribution and continued support for the development of the biodigester sector in Nepal.
The plaquette was handed over by Mr. Dinesh Kumar Ghimire, Joint Secretary of the Ministry of Energy, Water Resource and Irrigation, to Mr. Suresh Koirala of SNV/Nepal.
SNV’s support to the biodigester sector in Nepal was initiated in 1989 with the deployment of two advisors to the Gobar Gas Company. The technical assistance was coupled with financial support from the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs over the period 1992 to 2011. Other development partners including the German Development Cooperation (KfW and GIZ), World Bank and DFID also provided support to the sector.