SNV launches Annual Report 2021
Increasing incomes and access to basic services helps improve lives of 6.4 million people living in poverty

As we close out another year with the publication of our Annual Report for 2021, we are proud to share with you some of the highlights of our work and the positive impact that has been achieved as a result.
With the ongoing turbulence experienced throughout the world last year, the knock-on effects of COVID-19, increased violence and fragility across many of the contexts we operate in, we have faced unprecedented challenges in ensuring that focus remains where it is most needed – in improving the lives of those living in poverty.
With poverty on the increase for the first time in 20 years, for millions of people around the globe, this crisis will not be short-lived. Our work at SNV is more necessary and relevant than ever, which is why we are committed to making a positive difference through our work, and in scaling up the impact.
Despite these ongoing challenges, we witnessed remarkable resilience across many of the geographies where we operate, with new technologies and a range of innovations in how people work and collaborate supporting this. We also contributed to measurably improving the lives of 6.4 million people living in poverty by increasing incomes and access to basic services, while also making significant contributions to systems change.
In the face of the climate crisis, the COVID-19 pandemic, and our increasingly polarised world, we are acutely aware of the importance of our role in accelerating progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals. Over the past year, we strengthened several areas of technical focus, whilst reinforcing our capacities in a number of cross-sectoral areas – most notably with regards to gender equality and social inclusion (GESI) and climate adaption and mitigation. We also committed to a number of strategic priorities, such as digitalisation, innovative finance, and strengthened strategic partnerships, with a view to enabling us to deepen and expand our impact.
Click here to download our Annual Report and find out more about the impact of our work and overall performance in 2021.