SNV kicks-off support to NDC mainstreaming in provincial Planning in Viet Nam
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SNV Viet Nam co-chaired a workshop with the Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI) in Ha Noi on Wednesday 22nd July to discuss the urgent issue of how Viet Nam’s Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) should be mainstreamed into provincial plans – critical for ensuring that Viet Nam’s stated climate change adaptation and mitigation actions and measures are actually implemented. Viet Nam is among the world’s most vulnerable countries to the impacts of climate change whilst being a growing emitter of GHGs, as a rapidly developing Lower Middle Income Country.
The workshop was co-financed by the International Climate Initiative (ICI) of the German Federal Ministry of the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) and the NDC Partnership’s (NDCP) Climate Action Enhancement Package (CAEP) of support to Viet Nam. It was attended by over 80 participants, including representatives from the MPI, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MoNRE) Department of Climate Change, relevant line agencies and departments from 8 provinces from all parts of the country, as well as various national institutes, experts and international organisations (GIZ, UNDP, UNEP, IUCN, ICRAF etc.)
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The NDCP is a global coalition of countries and institutions collaborating to drive transformational climate action through sustainable development. Through the Partnership, members leverage their resources and expertise to provide countries with the tools they need to implement their NDCs and combat climate change to build a better future. The CAEP is a new offering of the NDCP designed to deliver targeted, fast-track support to countries to enhance the quality, increase the ambition, and implement NDCs. Viet Nam, through the MPI has requested technical and financial support under the CAEP specifically to support the mainstreaming of NDC targets and measures into provincial planning. NDCP members SNV, World Resources Institute (WRI) and the World Bank (WB) are providing co-finance and attempting to provide the technical support requested by MPI.
The workshop was held to raise awareness and understanding on the status of Viet Nam’s NDC, the requirements of the new planning law and to clarify political commitment, approaches and methodologies for NDC mainstreaming in provincial planning processes.
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Opening remarks were provided by Le Viet Anh (Director General, Department of Science, Education, Natural Resources and Environment, MPI) who reminded participants of the country’s commitment to transition towards a green economy, as outlined under various government policies and strategies, notably the Viet Nam Green Growth Strategy. Ms. Chu Thanh Huong – Head of Science, Technology and International Cooperation Department, Department of Climate Change, MoNRE) informed of national level progress in terms of the NDC revision as well as the development of a National Adaptation Plan (NAP). At the same time the country is embarking on planning processes for the next ten- and five-year periods at national, sectoral and provincial levels. Mr. Nguyen Manh Lam (Department of Planning Management, MPI) outlined the requirements for provinces to develop their plans, aligned to the new 2017 Planning Law stressing the importance of integrated approaches to streamline and improve planning processes across and between sectors and opportunities for mainstreaming climate change and low carbon development commitments in the plans.
Mr Deo Gabinete (NDCP) then introduced participants to the work of the NDCP. Ranping Song and Andrea Bassi (WRI) outlined a proposed methodological tool – Green Economy Model (GEM) which could be customized and applied in provinces to develop options and scenarios for a green economic recovery to the COVID-19 pandemic. Richard Rastall (SNV) outlined the role of SNV on the ground in Viet Nam, in facilitating the application of international best-practice approaches and development partner collaboration for the elaboration of high quality provincial plans that integrate climate change and promote the green economic transition in the Viet Nam context. SNV and WRI will cooperate, also in collaboration with the Ecology and Environment Institute (EEI), a national group, to provide specific technical support to three target provinces in North, Central and Southern Viet Nam (Quang Ninh, Lam Dong and Ben Tre). Discussions during the workshop highlighted the challenges associated with several parallel processes, meanwhile provinces required guidance and support to develop their plans appropriately considering environmental, social and gender inclusion aspects.
![Group photo of event](/assets/images/f/191310/dab696ed93/download_4.jpeg/m/2280x0)
Mr. Nguyen Tuan Anh (Deputy Director General - MPI) concluded a successful workshop welcoming the initiation of discussions on this important topic and strongly urged provinces to mainstream NDCs into their provincial plans for the period 2021-2030 availing technical and financial support from the NDCP, WRI, the WB and SNV. Whilst acknowledging the challenges, he recognized this as a key opportunity for piloting and learning from approaches, ultimately leading to Viet Nam’s better realization of its stated climate commitments and objectives.