SNV at Vienna Energy and Climate Forum 2023

SNV is delighted to participate in the International Vienna Energy and Climate Forum on 2-3 November 2023. This event serves as a critical platform for global discussions on renewable energy, climate action, and sustainable development. SNV will be actively involved in multiple sessions, sharing insights and discussing key issues related to clean cooking, renewable energy in the agri-food sector, and building sustainable food systems.
During the Vienna Energy and Climate Forum we will highlight the potential of leveraging renewable energy in the agri-food sector to enhance productivity, leading to improved food security and sustainable livelihoods for all.
Clean cooking side events:
SNV will participate in a series of sessions focusing on ‘Catalysing Sustainable Development Goals Through Clean Cooking Solutions’. Faith Chege from the EEP team will be part of a panel looking at how to finance innovative clean cooking solutions. Panellists include the World Bank and the OPEC Fund.
Voeun Sivleng, Project Manager, SNV, will be a panellist in the side event titled emphasising the importance of clean cooking in empowering women and youth. Session partners, including SEforAll and GIZ will share their experiences in this regard.
Productive use of renewable energy session:
SNV, together with GOGLA and Power For All, will lead a session entitled 'Convergences: Building Sustainable Food Systems via Productive Use of Renewable Energy Solutions.' This session will delve into the critical connection between sustainable food systems and the productive use of renewable energy, exploring innovative practices, local ownership, value chain strengthening, and financial models, with a particular focus on women and youth.

In addition, Helen Kyomugisha (GIZ), the Programme Component Manager for Energising Development Uganda’s solar component, will moderate a session on solar irrigation. Helen will bring insights from IKEA Foundation-funded EnDev SEFFA (Sustainable Energy for Smallholder Farmers) project in Uganda which is managed by SNV. Also joining the panel will be a solar irrigation Results Based Finance ( RBF) beneficiary from the SEFFA project.
Finally, Faith Chege, EEP, will participate in a fireside chat featuring case studies of decarbonisation projects from around the world and will showcase innovative solutions that were applied to address the key challenges of access to reliable, clean and green energy faced by industries.
We are excited to be a part of this influential forum, and we look forward to engaging with global leaders and organisations in discussions that are instrumental in shaping a sustainable energy future and food systems for all. To see the full agenda and learn more about this event, visit the Forum website.