
SNV at COP16!

Join us in Cali, Colombia to shape a greener future!

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Side event : Blended finance for biodiversity: The role of private sector, philanthropy and public finance for nature-based solutions

The event will explore best practices of blended finance for climate and nature, focusing on nature-based solutions and regenerative agriculture on a landscape level.

When: 30 October 2024 16.30 - 17.45 GMT-5

Duration: 75 min

Location: Blue Zone NL Pavilion at COP16 Biodiversity - Partners for Water , Cali, Colombia


A growing number of leading financial institutions and philanthropic organizations have started to use blended finance mechanisms to address biodiversity, climate change, regenerative agriculture, and landscapes. Although this is an important first step in mobilizing finance towards biodiversity impacts and nature-related solutions, this is not enough. The private sector needs to get involved to increase the pace of financing biodiversity and climate finance. In many countries, the availability of domestic resources is constrained. Several non-state and state actors’ initiatives are supporting capacity building and technical assistance, acknowledging the need to explore solutions that can potentially be deployed in the near future. However, additional public or philanthropic resources will have to be made available for this to work.

The session will:

  • Explore new solutions for biodiversity to catalyse the development of blended finance that can build on the existing vehicles, facilities and financial infrastructure relevant to a specific country to avoid duplication of efforts between development, climate and biodiversity

  • Discuss ways to minimize transaction costs and create opportunities for synergies with development banks, impact investors and others that do not have direct access to the capacity and expertise required to structurally set up blended finance transactions.

  • Highlight how we can learn from best practices of blended finance for climate and nature, focusing on nature-based solutions and regenerative agriculture on a landscape level.

  • Share learnings from countries and the collected knowledge of the Dutch Fund of Climate and Development, Global EverGreening Alliance, Regen10, Dutch Entrepreneurial Development Bank - FMO and 1000 Landscapes for 1 Billion People on how to fund climate, nature and livelihoods.

Run of show:


Harko Koster - Global Lead Climate and Food Systems SNV

Welcoming and framing

Maggie Charnley - Head of International Forests Unit, UK Government


Daniel Zimmer - Director Sustainable Landuse, EU Climate KIC


Aart Mulder - Principal Investment Officer Climate Finance at FMO

Sara Scherr - Chair 1000 Landscapes for 1 billion people

Chris Armitage - CEO Global Evergreening Alliance

Tara Shyam - Director Regen10

Moderated panel

Caroline van Leenders - Manager Sustainable Transitions at Netherlands Enterprise Agency

Thierry Dudermel - Head of Sector,  Biodiversity, EC DG INTPA

Closing remarks

Ivo Walsmit - Thematic Expert Biodiversity, Netherlands Min. Foreign Affairs


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