
SNV and partners discuss cross-sectoral, scalable and localised approaches at COP27

growing vegetables

SNV and partners will discuss climate adaptation and how to strengthen resilience in energy and food systems in an official COP27 side event.

On 11 November, decarbonisation day at COP27, SNV will lead an official side event on accelerating climate adaptation in energy and food systems. The session entitled  Accelerating effective local climate adaptation in energy and food systems will take place:

When: 15:00 – 16:30 PM

Where: Thebes conference room.

The side event, co-organised with partners Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership (REEEP) and WWF, will bring together policymakers, donors, investors and NGOs to share learnings and best practices from Africa's cross-sectoral, scalable and localised approaches.


During the panel discussion, speakers will explore why climate adaptation investment often falls short of need and does not always produce effective adaptation on the ground. The session will examine how localised energy and food nexus approaches can increase the effectiveness of investments and improve food security, closing the gap between NDCs, pledges and impact.


Moderator: Simon O'Connell, SNV CEO

  • Hon. Ruth Nankabirwa, Minister of Energy and Mineral Development, Government of Uganda

  • Nico Janssen, Programme Manager Agricultural Livelihoods, IKEA Foundation

  • Eva Kelly Oberender, CEO, REEEP

  • Alice Ruhweza, Africa Regional Director, WWF

  • Julia Wolf, Agricultural Economist, The Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), UN

  • Marianne Walpert, Co-CEO Simusolar

More information

Contact Jeremy Doyle, Global Technical Advisor - Climate Adaptation and Mitigation, for more information at jdoyle@snv.org. To download the full side event schedule visit the official COP27. Website.