SNV and ARENE partner to operationalise the regulatory framework for off-grid energy access in Mozambique

SNV's team in Mozambique and ARENE (Energy Regulatory Authority), under the implementation of the BRILHO programme, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on 8 June 2022 in Maputo.
This agreement aims to create synergies between the two institutions to maximise the positive impact of energy access initiatives in off-grid areas in Mozambique.
Bernie Chaves, Country Director of SNV Mozambique and Paulo da Graça, President of the Board of Directors of ARENE, signed the MoU.
The MoU aims to define the scope of SNV's support to ARENE, as part of the BRILHO programme, in its component of developing the regulatory environment and institutional reform in Mozambique.

Signing of the MoU between SNV and Arene

A handshake to celebrate the new partnership
The Government of Mozambique has committed to encouraging the private sector to participate in small-scale electrification projects in off-grid remote and rural areas and, to this end, approved Decree No. 93/21 on 14 September 2021, which regulates the Access to Energy in Off-Grid Areas.
In this context, the BRILHO programme supports private sector companies who want to operate energy services and implement mini-grid projects with technical assistance and financing. In addition to supporting public and government institutions in developing and operationalising the regulatory framework.
The two organisations will work in partnership to draft the regulatory framework, promote gender equality in off-grid projects, and digitise internal processing and management processes at the ARENE level. In addition to disseminating relevant policies and legislation and building the institutional capacity of ARENE and off-grid sector participants to ensure the correct, transparent, and rapid operationalisation of regulated processes.
ARENE, as the regulator of the energy sector in Mozambique, has the task of establishing the rules and procedures that will encourage a healthy, transparent, competitive, and prosperous business environment.
SNV, with this memorandum, commits to supporting ARENE's efforts in energy access in off-grid areas and is confident that we will achieve the goals of electrification and universal access in Mozambique by 2030.
For more information
Please contact Javier Ayala, BRILHO – Team Leader Country and Sector Leader Energy, for more information at