
Rural Sanitation programme gets underway in Lampung Province


Three districts in Lampung Province are one step closer to significantly improving their health and hygiene practices. This following the kick off meeting in Tanggamus late June for a community-led sanitation programme.

The SNV Indonesia Supporting STBM in Lampung Province programme receives financial support from the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and SNV. The programme will begin in Tanggamus, followed by the Pringsewu and South Lampung districts.

Mr Kurniawan, Tanggamus Regent, recognised the occasion as an important milestone towards the development of sanitation in the district, which to date has not been maximised. He stated that "this program is expected to increase the active role of the community in addressing environmental problems independently”.

In his speech, Mr Phil Harman, Country Director of SNV Indonesia, explained that the project will support the local government in implementing STBM and involving work and cooperation with a number of organisations. These include the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Education and Community Development, the Ministry of Cooperatives, Industry and Trade, as well as other relevant agencies, and the Regional Planning Agency (Bappeda) as the coordinator of planning and regional development.

Mr Harman also emphasised the enormous economic and social potential of improving sanitation including improved health, reduced risk of diseases and increased productivity and income for families.

“Our Sustainable Sanitation & Hygiene for All (SSH4A) capacity building approach will be used to support the three local governments to lead and accelerate progress towards district-wide sanitation coverage. There will be a particular focus on institutional sustainability and learning," he said.

According to Mr Harman "the programme will combine demand creation with local communities so they better understand the importance of sanitation, strengthening the supply chain of sanitation services including local businesses, and hygiene behavioral change communication in the local community and schools”.

Present at the ceremony to mark the occasion were Tanggamus Regent, Mr. Bambang Kurniawan; Pringsewu Regent, Mr. Sujadi Saddat; Bojonegoro Regent, Mr. H. Suyoto; Director of Environmental Health, Ministry of Health, Mr. Wilfried Purba; Deputy Director for Basic Sanitation, Ministry of Health, Mr. Eko Saputro; Director of Housing and Residential, Bappenas (National Planning Agency), Mr. Fany Wedahutama; Directorate General of Bina Bangda, Ministry of Home Affairs, Mrs. Nita Rosalin. Mrs. Christien Hukom represented the Kingdom of the Netherlands.