
Podcast: How the DFCD fund can help your business

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SNV has released a podcast to help those seeking more information about accessing the Dutch Fund For Climate Develpment (DFCD) funding.

About the DFCD

SNV has partnered with Climate Fund Managers (CFM), World Wildlife Fund Netherlands (WWF) and FMO, Dutch entrepreneurial development bank (lead organisation) to manage the Dutch Fund for Climate and Development (DFCD), with objective to mobilise private sector investments in climate change adapation at scale. The DFCD will run until 2030, is funded by Netherlands Ministry for Foreign Affairs and has a total value of €160 million.

About the podcast

In this podcast, an entrepreneur in Vietnam speaks about the challenges new green enterprise is facing in light of the COVID-19 cisis and her desire to find investment for business. During the discussion she learns more about DFCD and how it can help her to scale up her operation.

Please note that the podcast is in Vietnamese with English subtitles. Please click here to access the podcast or scan the QR code below.

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Click or scan the QR above to listen to the podcast