Learning from local farming practices for better climate resiliency
ACI Agrolink undertook a study tour to Ca Mau province in the Mekong Delta. A region where the Dutch Fund for Climate and Development (DFCD) supports climate-resilient mangrove shrimp production.

The objective of the visit, which took place from 15-18 March 2023, was to learn from local farming practices and find ways to collaborate for better climate resiliency.
The DFCD supports sustainable shrimp farming in the Ganges Delta
The Ganges Delta of Bangladesh is one of the world's largest deltas, with a dense network of rivers and tributaries. The fisheries sector contributes about 3.57% of the national GDP, with Bangladesh being the world's fifth-largest aquaculture-producing country. Aquaculture makes up most daily protein requirements. However, the fisheries sector is affected significantly by climate change in the form of temperature extremes, salinity intrusion, sea level rise, etc.
The Dutch Fund for Climate and Development (DFCD) supports ACI Agrolinkto in developing a climate-resilient, sustainable shrimp value chain in Bangladesh, expected to lead to climate change resiliency in this landscape. The project will provide technical assistance for current shrimp farming techniques such as;
pond preparation,
specific pathogen-free post-larvae support,
introducing new farming methods and micro-financing models,
developing contract farming models,
engaging in capacity building,
and establishing robust backward linkages.
Learning from local experiences
The Mekong and the Ganges Delta share similar climate challenges and opportunities. As part of knowledge sharing, ACI Agrolink, from Bangladesh, visited Ca Mau province and met other DFCD partners, such as Camimex. They also had an opportunity to spend time in the Delta to see farmer models currently applied in Vietnam. In this way, the DFCD can support cross-country linkages and climate solutions between the Deltas.
ACI Agrolink and SNV visited the Tan Hong Cooperative to discuss farming practices with the cooperative's leaders. The Bangladesh and Vietnamese teams exchanged knowledge of extensive and super-intensive shrimp farming, how the cooperative operates with its members, and the productivity along the whole shrimp value change.
The team then visited two farming models. One is an extensive model close to natural shrimp farming and does not use industrial feeding or chemical compounds. The other is the super-intensive model, which requires more equipment, such as pond bottom oxygen, aeration, automatic feeding machine, etc., and thus requires more investment.

visiting a processing factory
The team also visited the Camimex Processing factory to see the processing procedure of raw shrimp, from receiving the raw material to the packaging stage. Another meeting between ACI Agrolink and Camimex's Leaders focused on knowledge sharing between the two countries and discussing the possible collaboration areas in the future.

Super intensive farming model
'It was wonderful to learn how farmers best utilise their knowledge, skill and resources to maximise shrimp production. The government, farmers' associations, shrimp processing companies, input companies, and other market players collaborate to advance the shrimp industry, eventually increasing farmer resiliency' Md. Aminul Moven, Program head agribusiness ACI.
About ACI Agrolink
ACI Agrolink Limited is a subsidiary of ACI Limited (1992), one of the leading conglomerates in Bangladesh, having a strong presence in Agribusiness (Agriculture, Aquaculture, & Livestock), Pharmaceuticals, FMCG and the retail sector. ACI Agrolink Limited aims to establish forward and backward linkage for shrimp farmers and agro-value addition industries. ACI Agrolink Limited is positioning the business by penetrating an integrated safe food category and tapping into global trade operations that promote an efficient distribution channel for safe and healthy food for the consumers of Bangladesh. For more information, please visit this website.
About Camimex
Camimex was established in 1977 as the first shrimp processor in Ca Mau province, the capital of shrimp producers in Vietnam. Since 2000, it became one of the world's earliest producers to be certified in the whole supply chain, by Naturland and IMO for organic shrimp. Camimex is now Vietnam's leading supplier of organic shrimp. Camimex's vision is to become the organic shrimp farming system leader through their sustainable value chain: from farming, hatcheries, processing, and sustainable markets. For more information, please visit this website.