
Learn from SNV at the Micronutrient Forum’s 6th Global Conference

The integration of agricultural, water and sanitation, and energy sectors can initiate systemic changes, improving food and nutrition security and strengthening livelihoods of marginalised households and communities.

At the Micronutrient Forum's 6th Global Conference taking place online and in-person at the World Forum in The Hague, together with our partners Helen Keller Intl we will address the contributions of multi-sectoral nutrition-sensitive programming to dietary enhancements and increased micronutrient intake in a food systems approach.

We will lead a session titled 'Bridging the nutrient gap: the power of multi-sector integrated programming for improved dietary intake and nutrition' on Monday October 16, 2023, from 13:30-15:00. We've curated a stellar line-up of speakers and panellists, who will delve deep into the realms of nutrition sensitive programming, governance, and food environment enhancement.

What we will cover

Our speakers will cover strategies and execution across various nutrition entry points using representative examples and detailing their outcomes, impacts achieved, and challenges encountered.

Integrated nutrition and agriculture programming

Koffi Landry Kouadio from Helen Keller International will navigate us through the pathways linking agricultural practices and nutritional outcomes. The CHANGE project in Cote d’Ivoire stands testament to the potency of Integrated Nutrition and Agriculture Programming (INAP), revealing a tangible impact—household food insecurity dropped within three years, paired with a significant upswing in women's dietary diversity.

Food environment and Social and Behavioural Change Communication (SBCC)

Diving into the intricate realm of food environments and consumer behaviours, Joseph Bwire from SNV will share how SBCC moves consumer choices and influences them towards nutritious consumption practices. Take a glimpse into the success of Sustainable Nutrition for All (SN4A) project in Uganda and Zambia, where a rise in farm crop diversity and dietary diversity of both women and children increased significantly over four years.

Nutrition governance

Highlighting the importance of multisectoral coordination, Priyanka Basnet from SNV will illuminate pathways for elevating nutrition governance. By offering a glimpse into the ENUFF project in Laos, she will illustrate how strengthening the capacity of government mechanisms and adapting plans to community context helpeds in enhancing the number and diversity of crops grown, and significantly uplifting children’s dietary diversity. Priyanka will shed light on the strategies that enhance nutrition governance through community feedback and participatory village nutrition assessments, and highlight how dialogue navigates the nexus between policy and practice, showcasing that governance can be crafted to nurture nutritional and dietary enhancement significantly increasing crop diversity and uplifting children’s dietary diversity.

Robust dialogue: panel discussion insights

Our panel discussion, featuring voices from Sweet ‘n’ Dried, Bopinc, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, will probe into practical and policy perspectives across various sectors. Their dialogue will address critical aspects such as private sector contributions to nutritious food accessibility, empowering women in agribusiness, the role of SBCC interventions, and the complexities of meshing local development into national policies.

Join the conversation

Join us in this dynamic session, where synergistic strategies meet practical implementation across different sectors. Let’s explore the nutrient pathways together, forming coherent strategies that bridge gaps, nurture collaborations, and foster a nourished future. Engage, question, and collaborate as we weave through diverse narratives and insights, forming a unified approach towards enriched dietary practices and nutritional outcomes.

Let’s bridge the nutrient gap together at the Micronutrient Forum, shaping a future where integrated programming nourishes communities and strengthens dietary landscapes.

Further reading


From Agriculture to Nutrition - ENUFF Technical paper no. 2 - summary

Fact sheet

Converging for Nutrition - ENUFF Technical brief no.1 - Summary

Research paper

Triggering for positive behaviour change in nutrition - Sustainable Nutrition for All Technical Brief No. 2


SNV in agri-food brochure


Food Systems Analysis Cambodia


Sustainable Nutrition for All Technical Paper no.3 - Summary - Intra-household dynamics and dietary diversity

Learn more about our work in healthy diets and sustainable consumption