
Leadership Enhancement Action Programme (LEAP+)

Leadership Enhancement Action Programme (LEAP+)

SNV's Leadership Enhancement Action Programme (LEAP+) seeks to strengthen local capacities professionally and financially sustainable, through leadership development and support programs, practically oriented towards professionals who are motivated to a social purpose.

LEAP+ has been developed around the world in more than 20 countries, focused on enhancing leadership in three areas: Personal Leadership, Social Leadership and Entrepreneurship.

LEAP+ in Latin America took place in Nicaragua, Honduras, Peru and Bolivia between April 2015 and October 2015. During that period two meetings with the whole team were held in Bolivia, where more than 20 participants and professionals exchanged experiences. 17 of them were beneficiaries of training and are expected to be agents of change for their respective organizations and countries.

It is expected that the LEAP+ programme can be developed in more countries and with more participants in future releases.