Isuku Iwacu to partner with LCSOs to support access to sanitation in Rwanda

USAID's Isuku Iwacu project (implemented by SNV) will now partner with five local civil society organizations (LCSOs), namely, African Evangelistic Enterprise, Faith Victory Association (FVA), Young women Christian association (YWCA), Rwanda Development Organization (RDO) and Duharanira Amajyambere y’icyaro (DUHAMIC) to support implementation of its activities across eight target districts in Rwanda.
During a signing ceremony held on September 6 at SNV Rwanda, SNV’s country director, Bernie Chaves, said, “Working with local civil society organizations will ensure that USAID Isuku Iwacu effectively reaches as many households as possible. These LCSOs have presence and prior experience working in the districts where they have been selected to implement Isuku Iwacu activities. I am confident that through this new partnership, more Rwandan households will have access to basic sanitation.”
The LCSOs, among other responsibilities, will conduct mobilization activities and trainings with the aim of moving households up the sanitation ladder. In close collaboration with district authorities, they will also work with private sanitation construction companies, entrepreneurs, and microfinance institutions in their respective districts to link them to households.

“To ensure sustainability beyond the project and local ownership, Isuku Iwacu team will train, mentor and provide supportive supervision to the five new partners. They have a lot of experience in their respective districts implementing other projects and we are expecting to leverage on this to take Isuku Iwacu to the next level. We have already made tremendous progress within the project, in improving access to sanitation products. I am excited that this new partnership with LCSOs is going to allow us to do more,” said Juste Kayihura, Chief of party for USAID Isuku Iwacu activity.
To kick off their activities, the LCSOs will participate in a two-day orientation workshop to take place at La Palisse Hotel in Nyamata on September 12 and 13, 2019.