Indigenous Lenca people give green light to AFCIPRA in Honduras

Representatives of the Lenca indigenous people of Honduras gave their Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) to SNV and ASOMAINCUPACO to implement the Climate-Smart Family Farming Project (AFCIPRA) in their territory in the country.
The AFCIPRA Project promotes resilient food production for 600 families of Lenca indigenous communities and mestizo population, under a sustainable water resource management approach in the El Venado and Chiflador - Guaralape basins in Honduras.
Importance of Lenca indigenous people's consent
The SNV-AFCIPRA project follows the ILO-convention 169 and the UN’s Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. SNV is recognized through its unrestricted respect for the indigenous peoples’ worldview. If the indigenous communities do not give their consent, the project cannot carry out the intervention.
SNV-AFCIPRA did a broad consultation process with the communities, as the intervention was only able to happen with the willingness from the authorities and/or representatives of the Lenca indigenous communities.