
SNV at the 2nd Eastern Africa Agroecology Conference

Kenyan women on their farm

The 2nd Eastern Africa Agroecology Conference provides a global platform to exchange knowledge and best practices on the integration of agroecology into food systems. The conference will highlight agroecology's critical role in achieving food security, resilience, and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The conference will take place at the Argyle hotel, Nairobi, Kenya, from 25 to 28 March 2025, as part of broader efforts to promote sustainable agriculture in the region.

The theme for this year's conference - 'Harnessing the potential of agroecology in transforming and sustaining resilient agri-food systems,' - will bring together stakeholders from across sectors to discuss policies, financing mechanisms, innovative practices, and technology applications to scale up agroecology. Emphasis will be placed on the intersection of agroecology and key development priorities, including climate resilience, sustainable livelihoods, and the empowerment of women and youth in food systems transformation.

SNV's focus during the conference will be on promoting agroecology as a sustainable pathway to enhanced food security and resilience. Through our long-standing work in integrating ecological, social, and economic principles, SNV advocates for the adoption of agroecology across policy and practice, ensuring that it becomes a core part of broader food system transformation efforts.

SNV's contributions across key conference sub-themes

Our engagement will focus on hosting and participating in key sessions as follows:

Side event: The nexus of regenerative agriculture and productive use of renewable energy

Tuesday, March 25, at 16:00 - 18:00 EAT

This interactive side event will bring experts across the agroecology ecosystem together to explore the nexus of regenerative agriculture and the productive use of renewable energy. The session will focus on achieving the following key objectives:

  • Demonstrate how the interlinkages between regenerative agriculture and the productive use of renewable energy contribute to resilient and inclusive food systems.

  • Highlight the importance of policymakers collaborating more effectively across food and energy sectors to invest in fossil-free, regenerative food systems that benefit both people and the planet.

  • Explore opportunities for unlocking private sector investment for PURE integration in agroecology.

  • Launch of multi-stakeholder policy paper focused on integrating off-grid solar solutions in agri-food systems.

2nd Agroecology conference

Paper presentation: Integrating water resource management and agroecology to promote food systems in arid and semi-arid regions

Wednesday, March 26, 13:30 - 14:00 EAT

Water resource management is essential for advancing agroecological transitions, especially in arid and semi-arid regions where water scarcity poses challenges to food security and livelihoods. Climate change and population growth have increased pressure on natural water catchments, leading to ecosystem degradation that disrupts biodiversity, river flows, and groundwater recharge. Additionally, agricultural activities upstream can contaminate water sources with synthetic pesticides and chemical fertilizers, affecting soil health, animal health and food safety. These challenges highlight the need for an integrated approach that considers both on-farm practices and broader environmental factors influencing agricultural sustainability. By integrating agroecology with Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) at both policy and community levels, this approach supports long-term water and food security, mitigates climate change impacts, and safeguards ecosystems for future generations. Download here

Paper presentation: Effect of vermicompost and blended NPS fertilizer on garlic growth, yield, and yield attributes, Ethiopia

Wednesday, March 26, 14:00 - 15:30 EAT

Vegetable production in Ethiopia faces various agroecological challenges, including low garlic productivity compared to leading countries. Key issues include declining soil fertility and imbalanced fertilizer use. To address these, an experiment was conducted in 2020/21 at Gimbichu, East Shewa zone, Ethiopia, to evaluate the effects of vermicompost and NPS blended fertilizer on garlic growth and yield.  The study used a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications and 12 treatments: three rates of vermicompost (0, 2.5, and 5 t/ha) and four rates of NPS (0, 150, 200, 250 kg/ha).

Results showed that both vermicompost and NPS, alone or in combination, significantly impacted garlic growth and yield. The highest total yield (11.84 t/ha) and marketable yield (11.70 t/ha) were achieved with 5 t/ha of vermicompost and 250 kg/ha of NPS, while the lowest was from the unfertilized plot. The widest leaf width (1.75 cm) and highest harvest index (69.32%) were recorded with combined organic and inorganic fertilizer applications.

Soil analysis showed improvements in key parameters before and after harvest. Soil pH increased from 5.94 to 6.0-7.37, remaining moderately acidic. Organic carbon content increased from 1.44% to 3.07%, while total nitrogen levels rose from 0.14% to 0.25%-0.29%. Cation exchange capacity (CEC) remained high (38.8 to 43.05 meq/100g), and available phosphorus increased from 49.05 ppm to 55.9 ppm after applied of organic, inorganic fertilizer and their combination. These findings suggest that organic and inorganic fertilizer application positively impacted soil fertility and garlic growth. Download here


Paper presentation: The role of renewable energy technologies in promoting agroecology: A case study on biodigester technology in Ethiopia Welmera district

Thursday, March 27, 11:00 - 12:30 EAT

Ethiopia faces significant soil health challenges, notably soil degradation and the depletion of organic matter, which adversely affect agricultural productivity and environmental sustainability. Approximately 85% of Ethiopia's land is degraded, posing a principal environmental challenge. Soil degradation, primarily through erosion and nutrient depletion, results in economic losses estimated at 10-11% of the agricultural gross domestic product.

Bio slurry, a by-product of biogas production, plays a significant role in promoting agroecology by improving soil health, enhancing agricultural productivity, and supporting sustainable farming practices. Bio slurry contains essential nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, which are critical for plant growth, its organic matter content enhances soil structure, promotes aeration, and increases water-holding capacity, reducing the need for chemical inputs. This study reviews the experiences documented on the contribution of Biodigester technology in promoting Agroecology through partnership. Download here

Paper presentation: Participatory on-farm assessment of regenerative agriculture technologies in Nakuru, Bungoma, Kakamega, Uasin Gishu and Kericho counties in Kenya

Thursday, March 27, 11: 00 - 12: 30 EAT

The Regenerative Agricultural Practices for Improved Livelihood and Markets (REALMS) project commissioned a study part of evidence generation around regenerative agriculture (RA) technology and its role in improving soil health, to support policy discussions at the selected counties in Kenya. Soil Sampling and Analysis before and after cropping and application of Regenerative Agriculture Technologies were done between 2022 and 2024 for three planting seasons. Field Trials for Growth and Production Parameters measurement and Analysis for various Indigenous crops planted using regenerative agricultural practices were performed. The results from the participatory on-farm trials indicate that biofertilizers and farmer practices (use of farmyard manure, Bokashi and intercropping) are competitive to the use of inorganic fertiliser (NPK), as there were no noted significant differences among yield at the five locations. The study concludes that the biofertilizers are competitive to farmer practice and NPK based on yields and soil properties obtained from analyses. Download here

Paper presentation: The role of agroecology in youth employment and entrepreneurship: Case study of the Veggies for Planet and People project

Thursday, March 27, 14:00 - 15:30 EAT

Agroecology integrates ecological and social principles into farming practices to address challenges like food security, environmental sustainability, and economic development. In rural areas, limited access to land and resources drives youth migration to urban area for better opportunities. Agroecology offers sustainable farming solutions that create employment and entrepreneurship opportunities for youth. Youth unemployment in Ethiopia remains a significant concern, with varying rates across different sources and regions. According to the Ethiopian Statistical Service youth unemployment rate increased to 27.2% in 2022 from 25.7% in 2020. Download here

More resources

Download SNV's Position paper on Regenerative Agriculture.

Watch the Greener Greens Project implemented by SNV in Kenya’s Murang’a County, which seeks to increase the adoption of agroecological practices in vegetable production at systems level. In doing so, the project contributes to preserving and improving biological and ecological processes, promoting positive synergies between plants, animals, and the environment, leading to long-term improvements in incomes, food security and farmer resilience.

Learn more about SNV's work in agroecology in Eastern Africa