Sustainable energy

Our ambition is to support the development of inclusive markets for sustainable energy.

SNV’s energy sector supports the development of inclusive markets for sustainable energy, contributing to more equitable livelihoods for all

Energy is essential for human development. Access to clean energy has been a key element on the global climate and development agenda, and the ambitions of SDG7 are high: to achieve universal access to energy by 2030.

And yet today, globally, 2.4 billion people still lack access to clean cooking, while 733 million still live without access to electricity. Not only is energy an enabler for many SDGs, but the energy transition is critical for climate change mitigation and adaptation. Using renewable and efficient energy systems leads to reduced emissions of greenhouse gases and increased resilience - hence supporting governments’ climate targets.

SNV’s energy sector supports the development of inclusive markets for sustainable energy, contributing to more equitable livelihoods for all. Within this ambition, we have three specific impact goals:

  • Climate change mitigation and adaptation: Increase the renewable energy share and efficiency in energy consumption, inclusive of applications in agriculture for improved resilience and reduced greenhouse gas emissions.

  • Energy access: Contribute to universal access to affordable, reliable, and modern energy services for households, small and medium enterprises (SMEs), and social institutions – through off-grid electrification, clean cooking and heating, biodigesters, and productive use of energy.

  • Economic participation and social inclusion: Build resilient livelihoods and improved incomes for all, including young people, women, and disadvantaged groups.

With our projects applying renewable energy options and focusing on improved energy efficiency across sub-Saharan Africa and Southeast Asia, we increase access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all.

Our framework approaches

Sustainable Energy Markets

SNV supports the energy transition and SDG7 through its core framework approach, Sustainable Energy Markets. The framework applies a market-based approach to increase access to off-grid electricity, clean cooking and heating, and biodigesters.

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Youth employment and entrepreneurship

We collaborate to promote youth engagement as workers and entrepreneurs, with a particular focus on climate adaptation technologies, nature-based solutions, and nutritious food development.

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Energy news and stories


Reflections on IAP's challenge fund third round

An SNV business advisor leans over a table, reviewing an application to the IAP fund

Perspective: Mission 300 needs delivery mechanisms that match

SEforALL forum
Press release

The Swedish government and SNV launch mini-grid facility to expand rural off-grid electricity access in Mozambique

Brilho mozamique - Solar
See all our updates

Meet our energy team

Martijn Veen

Martijn Veen

Global Sector Head Energy
Rianne Teule

Rianne Teule

Global Product Coordinator
Sarah Alexander

Sarah Alexander

Global Technical Advisor Off-Grid Electrification
Saroj Rai

Saroj Rai

GTA Energy Biodigester Market Development
Sinéad Crane

Sinéad Crane

Marketing Communication Officer
Laura Clough

Laura Clough

Global Technical Advisor Clean Cooking
Claire Belilos

Claire Belilos

Strategic Partnership Knowledge & Learning Advisor

Want to collaborate with us?

Contact our global energy team to collaborate and learn more about activities around the world.