Resilient agri-food systems
Our goal through our work across the agri-food sector is to support the equitable transition to a sustainable and resilient agri-food system.
Food security is a pressing global issue, with more than 735 million people suffering from hunger and 3 billion people unable to afford a healthy diet.
The need to transform our agri-food systems is essential for a healthier, more sustainable and inclusive society, now and for future generations. Feeding our growing population while ensuring food quality, safety and sustainability presents an unprecedented dilemma. This challenge stems from an unequal and fragile food system exacerbated by population growth, social and gender inequalities, and environmental degradation. In addition, climate change poses a threat to food systems and sustainable development, potentially reversing recent progress in eradicating hunger, improving nutrition and enhancing food production, markets and investment.
How can we contribute
Our goal for the agri-food sector is to support an equitable transition to sustainable and resilient agri-food systems that deliver food security and adequate nutrition for people from all their diversity in such a way that the economic, social and environmental bases are safeguarded for future generations SNV takes a systemic and inclusive approach to strengthening capacities, catalysing partnerships and applying locally-led principles to transform the agri-food sector.
Learn more about SNV in agri-food download our brochure and position paper on Regenerative Agriculture
Our framework approaches
Youth employment and entrepreneurship
We collaborate to promote youth engagement as workers and entrepreneurs, with a particular focus on climate adaptation technologies, nature-based solutions, and nutritious food development.
Resilient and productive landscapes
We support the transformation of agriculture and livestock systems to achieve food security, healthy diets, landscape management and restoration, economic participation, and social inclusion.
Inclusive markets and impact investment
We implement a market-based approach in the agri-food sector, addressing the vulnerabilities faced by smallholder farmers, suppliers, processors, retailers and traders.
Healthy diets and sustainable consumption
We promote social and behavioural change interventions in nutrition while enhancing the choice of nutritious diets through a conducive food environment.
Want to collaborate with us?
Contact our global agri-food team to learn more about our work around worldwide.