Sustainable Palm Oil in Honduras (PASH)


Honduras is the country with the largest plantation area and production of palm oil in Central America. Its palm oil sector is comprised of companies in the social sector of the economy, individual producers and the private sector. WWF, SNV, Solidaridad C

Honduras is the country with the largest plantation area and production of palm oil in Central America. Its palm oil sector is comprised of companies in the social sector of the economy, individual producers and the private sector. WWF, SNV, Solidaridad Central America, SAG, Proforest, and mining and palm oil companies formed a consortium to address the environmental and social impacts along the palm oil supply chain in Honduras.

The participating industry partners work towards compliance with the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) standards for the sustainable production of palm oil, which generates quantifiable benefits such as increased productivity, reduced threats of deforestation and environmental degradation, and the protection of health and safety of plantation workers. The programme runs between February 2013 and July 2015.

The goal of the project is to improve the standard of living of 7,500 smallholder palm oil producing families and workers, and enhanching access to sustainably produced palm oil for processing companies in Honduras. This is done by supporting increased productivity to prevent the expansion of crops onto areas of high conservation value or indigenous territories, and by improving the competitiveness of the participating companies ─  with at least five of them obtaining the RSPO certification.

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