Strengthening WASH services
South Sudan,

Enabling communities manage their sanitation services and maintaining latrines.
SNV has been UNICEF’s partner on the 'Strengthening governance & delivery of WASH services' project since 2011. The project sought to form village Community-Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) committees and water user committees to take ownership over sanitation supply challenges and maintenance.
Formed groups followed up on the construction, usage and maintenance of latrines in their villages, and made sure that water supply facilities were paid for and maintained by trained local pump mechanics.
In partnership with the State Ministry of Water, Cooperatives and Rural Development, SNV developed a Water Information Management System to map functional and non-functional water facilities.
Local officials were trained on the system so as to share the information and manage demand for spare parts and maintenance.
SNV supported 25 school hygiene clubs in five counties which led to children learning about the importance of handwashing with soap and the use and maintenance of latrines, as well as the capacity to cascade knowledge to their peers, families and wider communities.
Of the 25 schools, five were selected for an introduction to WASH-Agriculture activities. School gardens were established; school agriculture clubs formed and trained; and vegetable seeds and tools distributed. These activities contributed to ambitions to improve nutrition and food security and to promote agricultural skills among pupils.