Project for Agricultural Development and Economic Empowerment (PADEE)

Supporting government-managed PADEE and equipping farmers with the knowledge they need to compete confidently.
In today’s world Cambodia’s farmers will only prosper in the long term if they keep up with the demands of the agricultural market and if they know how to adapt to the fast-paced changes in agricultural techniques and practices. This is why, SNV decided to support the government-managed Project for Agricultural Development And Economic Empowerment (PADEE) and equip farmers with the knowledge they need to compete with confidence.
In order to improve the ability of local entrepreneurs to generate income through agriculture, the Royal Government of Cambodia, SNV and partners are facilitating farmer access to agriculture technology, finance and markets.
Since 2016, SNV is focusing its technical assistance on value chain development and market linkages in the horticulture, mushroom, poultry and handicraft sub-sectors by applying a cluster approach that brings farmers, input suppliers, collectors, wholesalers and extension staff in the specific value chains together. It is doing so in close collaboration with Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) and the Ministry of Women’s Affairs), and Provincial Administrations.
The Royal Government of Cambodia is implementing this project in partnership with SNV, iDE, FAO and several grassroots organizations, with funding from IFAD and RGC. The project will operate from 2014 to 2018.