Netherlands-UNICEF WASH Initiative



The purpose of Netherlands-UNICEF WASH Initiative, Phase II (NUWI-II) is to contribute to improved food security, child health, reproductive health and nutrition.

The Netherlands-UNICEF WASH Initiative, Phase II (NUWI-II) sought to contribute to improvements in food security, child health, reproductive health, and nutrition.

This was done through strengthening regional, zonal and woreda capacities to provide improved and sustained service delivery.


  • Expanded the use of the Guided Learning on Water and Sanitation (GLOWS) approach focusing on Technical Vocational, Education and Training College (TVETC) graduates working in WASH in woredas;

  • Supported regional TVETCs through the Guided Learning on Water and Sanitation (GLOWs) training methodology;

  • Developed a woreda government system to improve local ownership, increase sustainability, avoid parallel structures and scale up service delivery;

  • Established and trained Community level Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Committees (WASHCOs), and linked them to local government administrations

  • Supported woreda WASH experts to update WASH inventory data to develop maps and generate reports for planning and decision-making;

  • Developed Woreda WASH Team (WWT) capacity to plan, implement, manage and monitor WASH services;

  • Supported WWTs and WASHCOs in promoting menstrual hygiene management (MHM) for school girls;

  • Developed training modules for WASH service management in schools, and is providing training to school staff and communities in school WASH service management ;

  • Based on supply chain assessments, the project developed and piloted private sector based models; and built the capacity of artisans, retailers and local capacity development service providers to provide WASH services;

  • Facilitated dialogue among stakeholders at woreda and regional levels to improve information sharing, governance and accountability, for sustained access and use of WASH services.


SNV worked on the WASH component of the project which focused on community-based WASH interventions and the promotion of multiple use (MUS) of water and sanitation services  in 30 woredas in Amhara, Oromia, Tigray and SNNP Regional National States.

SNV played a key role, particularly, in core capacity development and training of trainers; building WASH supply chains in target regions and supporting school WASH systems.

In order to address gaps in service delivery maintain and revive water resources, implementation capacity at woreda level was strengthened, in, for example, WASH supply chain, reliable, up-to-date data to inform reports, policy and plans, and private sector involvement in WASH service delivery, operation and maintenance.

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Reinforcing woreda WASH service delivery capacity

Reinforcing woreda WASH service delivery capacity

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