Integrated Dairy Farming for Income & Employment for Women and Youth (IEWY)

By identifying opportunities in dairy value chains to take up employment and enterprise activities, this project aims to increase incomes and improve livelihoods for 18,500 rural women and youth.
By identifying opportunities in dairy value chains to take up employment and enterprise activities, this project aims to increase incomes and improve livelihoods for 18,500 rural women and youth.
This dairy project takes a strong focus on women and youth empowerment in the dairy sector and will be implemented in four districts in Kilimanjaro region in north-east Tanzania. The key objectives are:
Improving production and productivity of women smallholder dairy farmers
Increasing the amount of income from dairy activities that is earned by women and their control over this income
Enterprise and employment creation for young people
Developing viable producer organizations with improved serviced delivery to their members
Increasing knowledge sharing, stakeholder dialogue, and learning in order to influence an enabling environment for equitable and inclusive smallholder dairy development.
The project will leverage innovations and best practices such as the introduction of biogas for cooking to save women time, and access for young people to employment in the dairy value chain through Service Provider Enterprises (SPEs).
This project is funded by Comic Relief and will be implemented by a consortium led by SNV Tanzania in partnership with 3 other implementing partners:
Nronga Women Dairy Cooperative Society NWDCS: The role of NWDCS will to conduct mobilization campaign to attract more farmers to supply larger milk volumes to NWDC and to establish model farmers
Capacity Building for Organisations CABO: CABO will support the organisational development of NWDCS and the joint venture, conduct capacity building of the staff and joint venture board, implement leadership development programmes for current and future youth members, developing commercial dairy services, conduct households and community dialogues on the position of women in decisions making and support dairy actors to become part of the national dairy associations.
Match Markers Associates Ltd MMA. The role of MMA will be in business planning and development for NWCS and the Joint Venture in milk collection, payments system and marketing as well as start-up financing, access to finance and operational plan and management of the processing facility.