Increase access to safe water and improved sanitation for the vulnerable communities in Mali
The project "Increase access to safe water and improved sanitation for the vulnerable communities in Mali" has two (2) components: a) by Community - Led Total Sanitation (CLTS); b) Supply of drinking water to vulnerable communities (Hydraulics).
The project "Increase access to safe water and improved sanitation for the vulnerable communities in Mali" has two (2) components: a) by Community - Led Total Sanitation (CLTS); b) Supply of drinking water to vulnerable communities (Hydraulics).
In its hydraulic component, the project aims to improve access to drinking water for 169,915 people, spread across 137 villages in the regions of Mopti (56 villages), Koulikoro (22 villages) and Sikasso (59 villages). Over a period of 13 months, it aims to facilitate the supply of water to the population by setting up associations of drinking water users and the organization of the community to support the repair of PMH. The project is implemented by SNV Mali in collaboration with local capacity building organizations (LCB) with the financial support of UNICEF.
As part of the implementation of activities in 2014, SNV has worked with the Akvo foundation for the introduction of tools for the baseline study of the situation of villages in drinking water supply and the monitoring of the operation of water sources. Given the positive results of this project in 2014, a contract was signed between Akvo and SNV in June 2015 for the continuation of activities.
In order to create favorable conditions for the achievement of its project results, SNV regularly organizes capacity building sessions for NGOs and their activity leaders in charge of conducting field activities. The training covers the logical framework of the project, the accompanying methodologies of actors, the guidelines developed for the implementation of the project, Akvo tools and the administrative and financial management tools of the project.