Improved Fish Smoking and Mangrove Conservation Project
This project aim was to increase disposable income and improve the working environment of fish smoking entrepreneurs.
This project aim was to increase disposable income and improve the working environment of fish smoking entrepreneurs.
SNV Ghana as part of its Renewable Energy interventions implemented a 2-year "Improved Fish Smoking and Mangrove Restoration Project" along the coastal fishing areas of Ghana. The project’s broad development objective was to support the development of Sustainable Energy Value Chains in Fish Smoking Markets in Ghana by improving Energy Efficiency & Supply.
Specifically, the Project sought to improve the livelihood of women involved in fish smoking and combat deforestation associated with their activities by:
Promoting the use of improved and efficient fish smoking stoves.
Promoting Community Mangrove forest cultivation, conservation and rehabilitation
Promoting woodlot plantation development to supply sustainable fuelwood for fish smokers.
This led to: an increase in disposable income and an improvement in the working environment of the fish smoking entrepreneurs, as well as a reduction in fuelwood consumption.
![fish improved cookstove](/assets/images/f/191310/3785d1b67b/fig_3_morrison_improved_fish_smoking_stove.jpeg/m/1536x0)