EnDev Results Based Financing (RBF) for Rural Market Development of Pico-Solar - Kenya



Bridging the solar energy divide

Through this project, SNV has supported over 200 last mile entrepreneurs and rural distributors.

Through this project, SNV has supported over 200 last mile entrepreneurs and rural distributors.

Kenya has an estimated population of 40 million with 77 % of these people living in rural areas. Poverty levels are currently estimated at between 45-50% with rural poverty levels being relatively higher. The majority of Kenya’s population lacks access to modern energy services, which severely limits their potential for economic and social development.

Most Kenyan households depend on traditional biomass resources including kerosene for lighting. Nearly half of the rural households (49%) use the tin lamp and a further 34 % use the kerosene lantern. Less than 5 % of the population uses solar yet it is a cheap and clean source of lighting energy. Traditional biomass sources have detrimental impacts on health, gender and income in Kenya.

The opportunity for modern and environmentally friendly lighting devices within Kenya is substantial. SNV in collaboration with the Energising Development Kenya Country Programme (Endev) is implementing a solar Pico PV Project in 10 counties in Kenya. Through this project, SNV seeks to increase access to and use of modern lighting for households at the Base of the Pyramid (BoP) by establishing and strengthening sustainable and commercially viable supply and distribution models for quality Pico PV (1–10 W) products and services at the local level.

The main interventions include consumer awareness creation, capacity development for rural entrepreneurs, creating business linkages between value chain actors at different levels and facilitating access to finance for both entrepreneurs and end users.

The project has been promoting the distribution of Lighting Africa approved products that are available on the Kenyan market, which typically cost between 5 and 150 Euros, have at least a one year warranty, provide light up to 8 hours a day and have a phone charging facility. New brands are also entering the market thus increasing the choice available for consumers. Through this project, SNV has supported over 200 last mile entrepreneurs and rural distributors.

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