African Biodigester Component (ABC) - Uganda




The African Biodigester Component Project in Uganda aims to support the growth and sustainability of a commercial biodigester sector in Uganda.

The African Biodigester Component Project in Uganda aims to support the growth and sustainability of a commercial biodigester sector in Uganda.

The five-year project (2021-2025) will result in installing 8000 small-scale(household) biodigesters across the country. The project will utilise a well-balanced mix of demand-side, supply-side, financing, and enabling environment interventions aimed at increasing demand and supporting the growth and development of the private sector.



Building on the results of the Africa Biogas Partnership Programme, the ABC project aims to graduate the Uganda biodigester sector from a pioneering phase to an expansion phase characterised by self-sustaining enterprises.

The Results-Based Financing (RBF)

To achieve the project goals, a results-based financing mechanism will be applied as the core component of the project.

The RBF shall provide financial incentives to support the private sector to overcome temporary market barriers and achieve the desired results sustainably.

The financing mechanism will reward biodigester companies for commissioning high-quality plants and providing after-sale services upon validation by the independent verification agent (IVA).

Application process

Application to the RBF Facility is open to all private entities, including partnerships, joint ventures, and cooperatives. Public (government) institutes and Non-Government Organisation affiliated entities are excluded.

Enterprises are invited to apply for RBF support through an open call for applications accessible via the following link here. Applications for RBF support received after 31 October 2024 will not be considered.


Eligibility criteria for participation in ABC’s RBF Facility include conditions for applicants and their biodigester technology and related services, divided into mandatory and desired eligibility criteria. Whereas an enterprise cannot participate in the RBF facility if the mandatory criteria are not met, it will qualify for participation despite limitations in satisfaction of the desired eligibility criteria. However, the enterprise will be given an agreed grace period of 6 months to comply with these criteria.

More information

To learn more about the project, view our project FAQ or download the ABC Uganda factsheet

Our donors and partners

Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands logo

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