Accountable Local Governance Programme (PGLR)



A group of people who are part of the PGLR+ project in Mali pose for a photo

The PGLR programme aims to strengthen the democratic institutions in 180 municipalities across the Gao, Menaka, Timbuktu, Mopti and Ségou regions in Mali.

The Accountable Local Governance Program (PGLR+) in Mali seeks to strengthen democratic institutions in 240 municipalities across Gao, Tombouctou, Mopti, and Ségou regions. Funded by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Mali, the program is carried out by a consortium of four Dutch NGOs: SNV (lead), Oxfam Novib, the V4T Foundation, and CORDAID.

The first phase of the program, which was valued at 17 million euros, concluded at the end of 2020. Following a positive evaluation, the program has entered its second phase, which will run until 2026. The second phase has a budget of €20 million and includes a geographical expansion from 180 to 240 municipalities across four regions. In the Tombouctou and Segou regions, ICCO is implementing P-GLR+. Oxfam Novib is responsible for the Mopti region, and SNV is overseeing the Gao and Ségou regions. The V4T Foundation operates in all regions.

This second phase marks a significant quantitative evolution, expanding from the involvement of 4,000 young women and men to 19,000 citizens. The actions of these Young Leaders will have an impact on more than 600,000 people. The ultimate goal is to create a dynamic bottom-up movement, empowering individuals with leadership skills, knowledge, the ability to express themselves, and a demand for accountability. This movement will foster inclusive and transparent governance changes.

The program has a dual focus. Firstly, it aims to strengthen local public authorities by enhancing local governance mechanisms to make them more inclusive, effective, gender-responsive, and conflict-sensitive. Secondly, it emphasizes the inclusive and effective participation of young people, both women and men, in local governance mechanisms, with a specific emphasis on youth social accountability and citizenship. The program's approach seeks to rebuild trust and cooperation at the grassroots level between local public authorities and young people, as well as the general population. In essence, the PGLR+ approach aims to strengthen the social contract between local authorities and the population. Additionally, it fosters strong relationships and a sense of solidarity among young leaders from diverse communities.

With the implementation of the PLGP+ program, we envision a future where democratic institutions are strengthened, local governance becomes more inclusive and effective, and young leaders play a vital role in driving positive changes within their communities.

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