WRM in a Kenyan sub-catchment
This is a case study on a community-based water management association formed with a vision to equitably distribute limited water resources among its residents.
At the Ewaso Ngiro North Basin in Kenya, a community-based organisation - the Ngusishi Water Resources Users Association - has been successful in reducing water-related conflicts and ensuring that downstream users (and people across the border of Somali) can access water for their domestic needs. Consultations, dialogues, and brokering agreements on water abstraction and use - for domestic and productive needs - have made all these possible.
Whilst providing inspirational examples of partnership, the Ngusishi WRUA is not free from challenges. Addressing these will require greater collaboration with higher levels of government (and other departments) to enable the conservation of water sources, while meeting the water needs of its residents.
Halcrow, G., 'Water resource management in Kenya's Ngusishi sub-catchment', SNV Case Study, The Hague, SNV, 2023.
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