Engaging men to transform gender roles in WASH

Stage 2 of a two-part research study, initiating a process of feminist economic recovery in Nepal in a post-COVID-19 pandemic world.

  • Abstract

    At the height of COVID-19, SNV’s work in Nepal found that place-based gender and social norms, combined with environmental factors, solidified or led to differentiated gendered divisions in WASH-related care and domestic workloads in households.

    In Stage 2 of this two-part research brief, SNV presents the immediate impacts of an intervention prompting behaviour change among young men. Based on SNV's practical experience, the brief proceeds to offer recommendations on how to incorporate gender-transformative approaches in local government-led WASH programming.

  • Bibliography

    SNV in Nepal, ‘Engaging men to transform gender roles in WASH’, Research Brief, Stage 2 of 2, The Hague, SNV, 2023

  • For more information

    Sabitra Dhakal, GEDSI Advisor, SNV in Nepal

Further reading


COVID-19 feminist economic recovery - WASH