Accountable Local Governance Programme (PGLR+)



The Accountable Local Governance Program (PGLR+) aims to strengthen the democratic institutions in 240 municipalities across the Gao, Menaka, Timbuktu, Mopti, Bandiagara, Douentza, San, Segou and Bougouni regions in Mali.

The Accountable Local Governance Program was launched in response to the unique political, security, social, and humanitarian crises gripping Mali since 2012. This multidimensional crisis demands a deeper understanding of its root causes. Following a successful first phase (2017 - 2020), the program has entered its second phase, which will run for five years, from April 1, 2021 to March 30, 2026. PGLR+ presents a distinctive approach to restore and strengthen the social contract between local public officials and citizens through improved inclusive and accountable governance of public affairs.

Despite efforts toward decentralisation, including establishing and operating locally elected public institutions, a gap persists between citizens and elected officials who are supposed to represent them in local public administration. A more accountable and transparent local governance can help bridge this gap, strengthening social cohesion, human security, peace, and sustainable development.

To achieve this, local governance must be grounded in fundamental values and principles, such as social inclusion, gender and conflict sensitivity, integrity, social accountability, transparency, citizenship, solidarity among citizens, and inclusive citizen participation. In this context, it is vital to consider the aspirations of men and women, both young and old, in the provision of essential public services like health, potable water, and food, as well as in creating favourable conditions for security, peace, employment, and income-generating activities.

The evaluations of Phase 1, conducted in 2017 and 2020, and the baseline study carried out in 2021 informed the development of the program's second phase. Like its predecessor, PGLR+ operates in a Malian context marked by security, humanitarian, and social challenges. The key challenges to address at various levels of governance include:

  • Restoring the trust between the Malian state and its population.

  • Strengthening social cohesion is crucial for peaceful coexistence among different communities.

  • Improving the effective participation of young men and women in local governance mechanisms.

  • Supporting young women in increasing their meaningful involvement in local governance and politics.

PGLR+ is funded by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Mali and implemented by a consortium of four Dutch NGOs: SNV (Lead), Oxfam Novib, the V4T Foundation, and CORDAID. Initially funded with €20,000,000, the program's commitment to gender and social inclusion was further strengthened with an additional €1,000,000 in March 2023. This funding enhances the program's focus on these crucial aspects. PGLR+ covers 243 municipalities across the regions of San (42), Ségou (59), Mopti (80), Timbuktu (35), Gao (24), Ménaka (5), and Bougouni (3). These municipalities were selected based on governance deficiencies identified in studies conducted during the first phase.

Our donors and partners

Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands logo
Oxfam Novib LOGO
V4T Logo