SNV Mali

Mali ranks 188 on the Human Development Index. Despite the security and climatic crisis, SNV continues to improve community resilience and adaptation measures since 1979.

Rue 17, Porte 305, Badalabougou Est, BP 2220, Bamako

Present since1979


In Mali, we contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals through the effectiveness of our programmes and our influencing strategy across our three sectors: Agri-food, Energy, and Water.

Our communities of intervention face challenges such as political instability, security threats, and climate change. These issues lead to problems like lack of resource, armed conflicts, environmental degradation, loss of biodiversity and economic setbacks across the different sectors.

To this end, we are building the capacity of communities to adapt to the deficiencies caused by these crises. In 2022, thousands of farmers, pastoralists, and agro-pastoralists have been impacted by our interventions in the agri-food sector. In the same year, 7,500 households adopted clean cooking stoves. In the area of agro-pastoralism, we developed a digital solution through public and private partnerships that is used by 27,795 pastoralists.

In our efforts to promote youth employment, we have supported the creation of 18,646 job opportunities and 40 small and medium enterprises, including 20 horticultural farms. Within our work across the sectors, we focus on three core themes: gender equality and social inclusion, climate adaptation and mitigation, and strong institutions and effective governance. Thus, we work openly with institutions at the community, local and national levels towards greater accountability, efficiency, transparency, and inclusion.

News and stories from Mali


Renforcement de l’autonomisation des agro-pasteurs au Mali


Empowering agro-pastoralists in Mali


Harnessing climate resilient agriculture in Mali

See all our updates

Meet our team in Mali

Jeanette de Regt

Jeanette de Regt

Country Director
Saran Diane

Saran Diane

Chef de Projet ABC Dev Marché Biodigesteurs au Mali
Baba Togola

Baba Togola

Deputy Country Director/Programme Manager
Aukje de Jager

Aukje de Jager

Sector Leader Energy
Tchegoun Koba

Tchegoun Koba

Global Technical Advisor - Youth Employment
Alharrou Diaoure

Alharrou Diaoure

Junior Advisor Communication and Visibility
Freddy Sahinguvu

Freddy Sahinguvu

Project Manager
No picture available

Esther Pedie

Project Manager Green Employment and Entrepeneurship
Founè Diarra

Founè Diarra

Communication and Marketing Advisor

Donors and partners in Mali

Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands logo
Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands logo
Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)
International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)
Netherlands Space Office LOGO
Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA)
Sweden Sverige logo
DANIDA logo English
endev logo

Want to collaborate with us?

Contact our country office to learn more about activities in Mali.