SNV Benin

Benin ranks 173 on the Human Development Index. Since 2017, SNV has improved the climate resilience of 400,000 people, increased their food security and improved their living conditions.

107 Camp Guézo, Rue 5125 , Porte 225, 01 BP 1048, Cotonou

Present since1970


Established in Benin in 1970, SNV supports local actors to become agents of their own development by facilitating networking, knowledge sharing and capacity building.

Through its advisory services and evidence-based advocacy, SNV in Benin works to create enabling political and economic environments to reduce poverty, ensure food and nutrition security, create sustainable markets, increase climate resilience, and increase access to water and basic sanitation.

Our work encompasses three key sectors: Agri-food, Energy, and Water.

In the agri-food sector, we focus on promoting agribusiness, youth entrepreneurship, market access, inclusive businesses, and land and natural resource management.

In the energy sector, we strive to reduce biomass exploitation, protect the environment, and develop a market for solar lamps, solar photovoltaics, and biodigesters.

In the water sector, we are working to increase the sustainability of IWRM actions by developing a financially viable model and strengthening water governance from the local to national level, and to strengthen the flood early warning system.

SNV's work across these sectors is governed by core themes such as climate adaptation and mitigation, governance, and gender equality and social inclusion. We also put a great focus on women and youth employment and on digital technologies.

News and stories from Benin


A dialogue module to resolve the pastoralism crisis


Accelerating Nature-based solutions as a game-changer for sustainable development


Optimised groundwater use leads to better opportunities for women

Improved water facility delivered on right to replace non-functional borehole (SNV/Oxfam)
See all our updates

Meet our team in Benin

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Stéphane Tuina

Country Director
Edouard Fagnon

Edouard Fagnon

Sadda Laouali

Sadda Laouali

Project Manager EJASA
Souleymane Diarra

Souleymane Diarra

Sector Leader AgriFood
Saloufou Moussabihatou

Saloufou Moussabihatou


Lise Florin

PM–Integrated Water Resource Management and Climate Adaptati
Lea Ouorou Yerima

Lea Ouorou Yerima

Specialiste Genre et Inclusion sociale
Nadia Gnonlonfoun

Nadia Gnonlonfoun

Larisse Hefounme

Larisse Hefounme

Responsable Technique PDIEM

Donors and partners in Benin

Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands logo
Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)
Sweden Sverige logo
Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA)

Want to collaborate with us?

Contact our country office to learn more about activities in Benin.