SNV Zambia
Zambia ranks 153 on the Human Development Index. Since 1965, SNV has supported over 50,000 Zambian smallholder farmers in improving through innovation, training, and market linkages.
7 Nkanchibaya Road, Rhodespark, Lusaka, PO Box 31771
Present since1965
SNV Zambia is a prominent player in the country's development landscape, with a strong presence in various sectors and impact areas. Since our establishment in Zambia, we have been committed to supporting the country's development goals by focusing on key areas of strength and expertise.
At SNV Zambia, we understand the country's context, history, and unique challenges. We work closely with communities, government institutions, and other stakeholders to achieve sustainable development outcomes. Through our work, we have made significant contributions to key sectors such as agriculture, energy, water and sanitation, and climate change.
Our impact in these sectors has been significant, with tangible outcomes that have improved the lives of many Zambians. In agriculture, we have supported smallholder farmers to increase their productivity and access to markets, resulting in improved food security and increased incomes. In the energy sector, we have facilitated access to renewable energy sources for communities, increasing access to electricity and improving livelihoods. In water and sanitation, our work has focused on improving access to safe water and sanitation facilities for communities, resulting in improved health outcomes.
At SNV Zambia, we have built strong partnerships with various stakeholders, and are committed to making a lasting impact on the lives of many Zambians.
Meet our team in Zambia
Want to collaborate with us?
Contact our country office to learn more about activities in Zambia.