SNV Uganda

Uganda ranks 159 on the Human Development Index. SNV has transformed over 700,000 Ugandans' lives through income growth, clean energy, water, and agricultural initiatives since 2021.

Plot 36, Luthuli Rise Bugolobi, Kampala, PO Box 8339

Present since1989


Since its establishing in Uganda in 1989, SNV has demonstrated a strong commitment to the country's development, building a deep understanding of local dynamics and effectively navigating the local context.

Operating through a decentralised approach with a country office in Kampala and regional offices in Arua, Fort Portal, Lira, and Mbarara, SNV implements donor-funded activities across more than 100 districts in Uganda, ensuring broad and diverse impact.

With a focus on the agri-food, energy, and water sectors, SNV leverages its expertise and technical assistance to drive sustainable development throughout Uganda, making a tangible difference in the lives of millions of people.

SNV's projects in Uganda aim to achieve various outcomes and impacts. They generate employment opportunities and increase income by promoting growth and performance. Additionally, SNV strives to improve access to essential services for disadvantaged individuals.

Through close collaboration with leading public agencies and businesses in Uganda, SNV provides crucial technical assistance that fosters innovative and strategic solutions. This collaborative approach yields tangible results and positive impacts within the targeted sectors.

SNV's long-term commitment, decentralised approach, sectoral focus, and collaborative partnerships contribute to its impactful presence in Uganda.

News and stories from Uganda

Impact story

Youth engagement for climate-resilient agriculture

A sunflower farmer in Uganda with his family

Climate resilience and sustainable agriculture: Transforming the Sebei region through innovative partnerships


Embracing energy efficient solutions: Awelo’s journey from surviving to thriving

See all our updates

Meet our team in Uganda

Phomolo Maphosa

Phomolo Maphosa

Country Director
Peace Kansiime

Peace Kansiime

Esther Namuyondo Nyanzi

Esther Namuyondo Nyanzi

Project Manager Africa Biogas Component (ABC) Project
Bashir Kasekende

Bashir Kasekende

Project Manager
John Robert Okello

John Robert Okello

Project Manager - (SWaSSH4A) Project
No picture available

Martin de Jong

Project Manager

Donors and partners in Uganda

Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA)
Directorate-General for International Cooperation (DGIS)
endev logo
Sweden Sverige logo
IKEA Foundation
Gov Uganda
Austrian Development Cooperation

Want to collaborate with us?

Contact our country office to learn more about activities in Uganda.