SNV Ethiopia
Ethiopia ranks 176 on the Human Development Index. SNV has supported Ethiopians to access food, water, and clean energy, improving the livelihoods and quality of life for 800,000 people.
Roosevelt St, Lideta Sub city, Addis Ababa, PO Box 40675
Present since1974
SNV started emergency work in 1974 and has continued to support development projects that have a lasting impact on the people of Ethiopia.
Currently, SNV’s work extends to more than 600 woredas, where we implement projects that build and sustain the agri-food system. We contribute to improving affordable access to basic services by ensuring safe and sustainable access to clean energy and water, thus enabling equitable lives for all.
Our projects align with the priorities, strategies, and plans of the Government of Ethiopia, including regional and local governments, with whom we collaborate to implement our projects successfully.
We partner with the private sector and civil society and engage with communities in a manner that is sensitive to their needs and enables strong involvement and ownership.
With a young population in Ethiopia, we facilitate job opportunities with a special focus on women and young people, enabling them to build a thriving future for the country. This includes being sensitive to food and nutrition security challenges, supporting sustainable markets, and building climate change resilience for smallholder farmers.
Our growing partnership with financial institutions seeks to support communities and local businesses to access finance and realise their aspirations.
Want to collaborate with us?
Contact our country office to learn more about activities in Ethiopia.