Today’s problems are not just technical puzzles, they represent complex systemic challenges. That is why we strive for systems transformation that goes beyond surface solutions and fighting symptoms, and that we look beyond project boundaries.

True transformation is never just one change.

Introducing SNV's change stories

We are excited to introduce a series of change stories highlighting SNV's impact in various contexts. These narratives showcase our commitment to systems transformation and illustrate how countless small changes come together to create significant, lasting impact.

Join us on this journey of transformation and witness the power of countless changes coming together to drive true, systems transformation .

Beyond the grid: Transforming energy access

In Mozambique, the journey towards universal energy access undergoes a transformative shift led by the BRILHO initiative, amid the backdrop of climate-related challenges and limited electricity accessibility.


People gained improved energy access with solar systems and improved cooking solutions.


jobs have been created.

Impact story

Driving systems transformation through clean energy in Mozambique


BRILHO empowers 1.3 million Mozambicans with clean energy as UK launches investment partnership 


BRILHO programme lights 33,000 rural, off-grid homes in Mozambique

Watching TV with a solar home system
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Nourishing minds: Transforming school nutrition

Between 2015 and 2023, the dairy sector in Southwest Uganda experienced significant improvements in dairy farming systems. The Inclusive Dairy Enterprise (TIDE) project played a key role by initiating an input market for farmers and creating new finance opportunities for both farmers and cooperatives. TIDE also established a school milk programme in 2,482 schools.


Farmers saw a positive impact.


Children participated in the school milk programme.


Minister for Primary Education applauds SNV for its School Milk initiative


TIDE: Stories of transformation - Kabura Farmers Cooperative

TIDE: Stories of transformation - Kabura Farmers Cooperative

TIDE: Stories of transformation - taking up farming as a business

TIDE: Stories of transformation - taking up farming as a business
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Transformative leadership: Positively disrupting governance norms

In 2012, Bhutan's government scaled up the Rural Sanitation and Hygiene Programme nationally using SNV's Sustainable Sanitation & Hygiene for All (SSH4A) approach. Over the next decade and with partners, open defecation was eradicated, and hygiene improved, largely due to government efforts to meaningfully involve women and people with disabilities in WASH governance.

100 %

Of the population gained access to sanitation and hygiene nationwide.


Years of collaborative work with the government and partners.


More women leaders in Bhutan talk WASH

Leadership for change training in action (Photo: SNV Bhutan)


Impact story

Realising government ambitions for more inclusive WASH services in Asia

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Changing behaviours: The road to smoke-free villages

Since 2020, the SNV in Cambodia has been driving a transition from traditional firewood cookstoves to clean cookstoves through its innovative Smoke-Free Village (SFV) approach. This initiative combines dynamic behaviour change communication (BCC) at village and district levels with a unique vertical and horizontal governance strategy.


Households will be reached by 2026.


Last-mile cookstove suppliers engaged.

Impact story

A journey of growth: From modest beginnings to community impact


Switching from traditional to smoke free cooking: Story from a first mover

Switching from traditional to smoke free cooking: Story from a first mover

New report shows positive results in changing cooking behaviour

BCC session
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