SNV launches strategic plan aiming to improve the quality of life of 20 million people

Today, SNV has launched an external version of its 4-year strategic plan. The plan entitled ‘Local know-how for lasting solutions’ describes SNV’s ambitious goal which is to improve the quality of life of 20 million people while contributing to systems change in the agriculture, energy and WASH sectors in at least 21 countries.
To achieve this goal, in this new phase SNV aims to create direct results and bring about systems change. Where markets and governments fail to create the conditions for people living in poverty to increase their incomes and to obtain access to basic services, SNV will build bridges to span the gap.
SNV changes systems and creates a new normal by influencing markets and governance processes to function better. Often development aid is structured in projects which are boxes in time and space, however, breaking the low-income poverty trap requires an impact to be created which lasts beyond these time and space boundaries. Over the 2019-2022 strategic period, SNV will design systems and implement projects which can contribute to changing these underlying structures which trap people into poverty.
SNV will continue to kick-start markets by supporting businesses to grow and to innovate by creating demand and encouraging behaviour change among consumers. This will be done in parallel to assisting governments to improve the enabling environment.
At a business level during this strategic period, SNV will strive to remain a global premium organisation with a local presence. SNV’s decentralised structure with the vast majority of staff residing in Asia, Africa, and Latin America enables the organisation to adapt global know-how to local contexts.
Ensuring that interventions are of high quality is an intrinsic part of SNV’s mission. The quality assurance systems we are putting in place will support full accountability to those whose lives the projects are intended to benefit and those entrusting us with their funds. Investment in expertise and knowledge flow to the front line will help the organisation to continuously improve.
To learn more, view the web version or download a copy of our strategic plan. A french version is also available.