
SNV and partners launch major Biogas Dissemination Scale-Up Programme

On the 31 May, the European Union (EU), the Government of Ethiopia and SNV launched the Biogas Dissemination Scale-Up Programme (NBPE+) at the Elilly International Hotel in Addis Ababa. NBPE+ is funded by the European Union and the Government of Ethiopia. SNV will be the overall programme manager on behalf of the EU fund and will provide technical assistance on the implementation. The Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Electricity (MoWIE) executes the programme on behalf of the Government of Ethiopia.

On the 31 May, the European Union (EU), the Government of Ethiopia and SNV launched the Biogas Dissemination Scale-Up Programme (NBPE+) at the Elilly International Hotel in Addis Ababa. NBPE+ is funded by the European Union and the Government of Ethiopia. SNV will be the overall programme manager on behalf of the EU fund and will provide technical assistance on the implementation. The Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Electricity (MoWIE) executes the programme on behalf of the Government of Ethiopia.

The objective of the programme is to improve the living standards of farmers and their families in eight regions in the country while reducing the over-exploitation of biomass cover and Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions. A total of 36,000 household bio-digesters are targeted to be installed by 2022, while the sector will be further capacitated to sustain the support. The total funding of the programme from EU is EUR 20.85 million (approximately ETB 520 million), while the Government of Ethiopia contributes EUR 2 million (approximately ETB 50 million).

Officially declaring the launch of the programme, the Minister of the Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Electricity, H.E. Dr. Eng. Seleshi Bekele, said: “This programme greatly contributes to realisation of the Government policies and programme on providing clean energy and other benefits, to the rural poor. We request all relevant partners to contribute to the success of this programme”.

Ambassador Chantal Hebberecht, Head of the European Union Delegation to Ethiopia, said "EU is ready and committed together with other financial institutions to work with the Ethiopian government in increasing renewable energy access for the people and supporting its ambitious plans for the roll-out of renewable generation projects such as solar, wind, geothermal and biomass-to-energy and, climate change focused programmes”.

Ambassador Chantal Hebberecht, Head of the European Union Delegation to Ethiopia

Ambassador Chantal Hebberecht, Head of the European Union Delegation to Ethiopia

State Minister Wondimu Tekle and Minister Seleshi Bekele, MoWIE

State Minister Wondimu Tekle and Minister Seleshi Bekele, MoWIE

The Biogas Dissemination Scale-Up Programme builds on the achievements of the National Biogas Programme of Ethiopia (NBPE) being implemented since 2009 in four regions funded by the governments of the Netherlands and Ethiopia. NBPE is part the Africa Biogas Partnership Programme, with Hivos as fund manager and SNV providing technical assistance. By the end of 2016, NBPE has supported the installation of over 15,000 bio-digesters. By closing the launch, the Country Director of SNV Ethiopia, Mr Worku Behonegne, expressed his gratitude to Hivos and the Government of the Netherlands for all support so far provided. He also emphasized that “SNV will support all parties in the sector for the successful implementation of NBPE+ and seek integration into other development projects”.