
National Standardisation Council endorsed clean cooking solution standard

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The National Standardisation Council endorsed Ethiopian clean cook stove and clean cooking solution standard document.

SNV Ethiopia in its Strengthening Enabling Environment for Clean Cooking Sector of Ethiopia (SEECCS) project took the initiative and supported the revision and development of the Clean Cook Stove and Clean Cooking Solution, Performance Requirements and Test Methods (ES 6085: 2019) document.

The current standard is developed by reviewing the previous biomass cooking and baking stoves standards coded, “ES6085:2017- and “ES6086:2017” respectively and in alignment with the International “Standard-ISO19867-1,”

This ES 6085: 2019 is applicable to cook stoves used for cooking/baking in domestic, small-scale enterprise and institutional applications typically with firepower less than 20 KW and cooking vessel volume less than 150 l.

The Ethiopian Standard Agency in collaboration with SNV rallied experts as technical committee members (TC 101) from Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Energy (MoWIE), Environment, Forest and Climate Change Commission (EFCCC), Ministry of Mines and Petroleum (MoMP), Ministry of Health (MoH), Addis Ababa University-Addis Ababa Institute of Technology (AAU-AAiT) and GIZ EnDev. With the objective of addressing broader perspectives of clean cooking solution the current Technical Committee for clean cook stove and clean cooking solution (TC 101) managed to have additional members from MoMP, MoH and SNV.

The standard is expected to transform the clean cooking sector through enhancing economies of design such as innovation, product and service quality, production and delivery. These collectively improve cooking safety, human health and protection of the environment.

The enforcement will be started with far reaching familiarisation mechanisms of the standard. SNV’s premier popularisation follow-up action at the moment is promotion of the standard in collaboration with, EFCCC, ESA, MoH, MoWIE, MoMP and regional line bureaus as well as higher learning institutions.

Furthermore, SNV Ethiopia encourages cookstove manufacturers and promoters to consider their cookstoves to be evaluated as per the requirement set on the standard to promote their products with evidence based results for better market penetration.

“SNV takes a great pride in such truly collaborative engagement that can have an overarching impact on clean cooking sector of Ethiopia. Such a common achievement couldn’t be possible without the outstanding leadership of ESA and active commitment of the technical committee members” stated Hiwote Teshome, SEECCS project manager.