Great results towards sustainable sanitation and hygiene

Independent verification of the results of SNV’s programme towards sustainable sanitation and hygiene shows that we have not just achieved, but even overachieved on our targets: 1,925,879 people have gained access to sanitation (target at 1,884,000 without Nepal) and 5,798,585 people have been reached through hygiene promotion (target at 2,730,000).
From 2014 to 2018, SNV implements the Sustainable Sanitation & Hygiene for All (SSH4A) - Results programme, in partnership with the UK Department for International Development (DFID). This programme will enable access to improved sanitation for over 2 million people and improved hygiene for over 2.7 million people in nine countries across Africa and Asia. SSH4A is essentially a capacity building approach, supporting local governments to lead and accelerate progress towards district-wide sanitation coverage with a focus on institutional sustainability and learning.
Specific intermediate, output and outcome deliverables were set between DFID and SNV to monitor the results achieved within the SSH4A programme. These results are reported on quarterly via results packages, which are paid for subject to verification of results by an independent monitoring and evaluation team.
The results of the final quarter in 2015 have been verified and findings confirm that we have fully achieved the set targets for people gaining access to improved sanitation and being reached by hygiene promotion. The results do not include Nepal yet, because measurement of those results has been postponed to accommodate for delays caused by the earthquakes in April and May of 2015.
For more information, please have a look at our SSH4A programme fact sheet.